Showing posts with label Prompt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prompt. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Rihanna: Latest Pics Prompt Pregnancy Rumors

If you don’t spend an unhealthy amount of time scrolling through various social media sites like we do, you might not be aware that Rihanna has some of the most obsessive fans on the Internet.

And a surprising number of those RiRi stans are extremely interested in the goings on of the singer’s uterus.

Yes, weirdos on Twitter very much want Rihanna to procreate, and in a way, we don’t blame them.

Who doesn’t want to live in a world in which little Rihanna offspring are toddling along some beach, hopefully obeying very strict instructions to stay away from Mommy’s special gummy bears?

Unfortunately, the speculation is so feverish that every time Rih rocks some loose clothing, fans basically start picking out names.

Rihanna was honored at the 69th Annual Parsons Benefit last week, and as you can see, she eschewed her usual form-fitting attire for the occasion.

It was neither the first nor the last time that the singer was spotted rocking some baggy attire in recent weeks, and Ms. Fenty’s recent sartorial choices have some fans losing their minds.

But unfortunately for the Rihanna pregnancy truthers, it seems there’s no bun in the Barbadian oven just yet.

A source close to the 29-year-old tells Hollywood Life that Rihanna is 100% not knocked up:

“Rihanna isn’t pregnant, sorry to disappoint everyone, but, nope. She has something going on, but it’s private,” says the insider.

Continuing to ride the train of frustrating vagueness, the insider adds: 

“The speculation is tough for Rihanna. But she knows she’ll be back to her regular self soon enough.”

We think it’s pretty obvious what’s going on here: 

Clearly, Rihanna is secretly carrying twins as Beyonce’s surrogate.

Yes, it’s time to wake up, sheeple.

Beyonce is faking another pregnancy, and this time she’s employed RiRi as a pawn in her diabolical game.

Right now, Bey is walking around semi-comfortably with half a basketball under her shirt, while the future Turquoise Kudzu and Jade Bougainvillea gestate inside Rihanna.

For those who don’t do well with sarcasm, we’d like to take this opportunity to point out that we’re joking.

Even so, don’t surprised if Alex Jones picks that theory up and runs with it.

The more batsh-t the conspiracy theory, the better with that guy.


Friday, August 26, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Latest Pics Prompt Boob Job Rumors!

Kylie Jenner posts so many revealing pics that when it’s time for a check-up from the doctor, she probably just sends him a link to her Instagram page.

The average Snapchat user could probably sketch her tattoos from memory.

If Kylie eventually does pose for Playboy, they’ll probably be all, “No need to come in for a shoot. We have a really high resolution printer here.”

The girl is naked online a lot, is what we’re saying.

The upside is, Kylie posts racy pics on a daily basis, and for that, we thank her.

The downside is, when she makes even the slightest cosmetic change, the whole world notices.

Rumors about Kylie getting a boob job seem to pop up every few weeks, but this latest round seems justified by her most recent photos:

As you can see, that glass of water (though it looks quite refreshing) isn’t the focal point of this pic.

And if that doesn’t have you convinced that she’s looking curvier than usual these days, check out Kylie’s latest Snaps:

Many remarked that Kylie’s transformation into Kim appears to be complete.

Others commented their theories that Kylie went under the knife during her recent social media lull, when she claimed to have food poisoining.

Kylie got candid – and a bit sassy – when denying the rumors:

“Do u want to feel them to validate?” she asked one fan.

“TMI but it’s that time of the month lol,” she elaborated. “They will deflate soon. And it will be a sad sad day.”

A sad day, indeed.

But believe it or not, there’s something more important that Kylie’s boobs going on here.

We have a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan using three-syllable words and making self-deprecating jokes.

Is it possible that all this time, Kylie was turning into Khloe, not Kim?!

This is like a Usual Suspects-level twist. 

At this point we wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Kylie’s boobs are Keyser Soze.

M. Night Shyamalan should secure the movie rights to Kylie’s Instagram page ASAP.

Making a film mostly devoted to boobs is about the only way that guy could get us to watch something he directed.

In conculsion, Kylie probably hasn’t had her boobs done.

But maybe there’s more to this story…