Showing posts with label Ref's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ref's. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl 50: Hot Refs, Scary Monkeys and More!

Super Bowl 50 sucked.

The Denver Broncos defeated the Carolina Panthers by compiling under 200 yards of total offense and converting one third downs all game.

It was a sloppy, boring game that didn’t feature a touchdown from farther than two yards away.

But there were at least a few things that saved the Super Bowl, as an event, from being a total letdown.

And one of those things was Clete Blakeman.

The well-chiseled referee made a variety of calls on the field, but those were nothing compared to the phone calls going around from female viewer to another, each asking the same thing:

Who is Clete Blakeman? And is he single?!?

Speaking of hot men…


Sorry. But we’re a tad bit excited. And we think you will be, too, after seeing the Jason Bourne trailer that debuted during the big game:

Prior to kickoff, of course, Lady Gaga blew us away with a national anthem that actually had people comparing it to the iconic Whitney Houston version from 1991.

How could they?

This is how they could:

Gaga was not the only superstar to take to the stage, of course.

Halftime featured Chris Martin and Coldplay, but let’s be serious: it really featured Beyonce.

She was the real winner on Sunday, honoring Michael Jackson and the Black Panthers and putting all entertainers to shame:

Not that Bruno Mars couldn’t hold his own.

Did you ever think you’d see a Bruno Mars-Beyonce dance-off? Watch the Super Bowl 50 halftime performance below and be left in awe:

Finally, Mountain Dew gave viewers more nightmares than Von Miller gave Cam Newton, introducing the world to a puppy monkey baby for some reason.

We’ll never get this image out of our heads:

What was YOUR favorite Super Bowl 50 commercial and/or musical act? Weigh in below!