Showing posts with label RodgersAaron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RodgersAaron. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Jordan Rodgers-Aaron Rodgers Feud: All Because of What?!

For The Bachelorette victor Jordan Rodgers, the issue of his beef with NFL star brother Aaron continues to dominate headlines. 

Yes, he ended the season winning JoJo Fletcher"s heart, but he"s also won a great deal of scrutiny regarding his allegedly shady past.

The couple has shown signs of just how bad it"s gotten, even on what is supposed to be a blissful, post-show media tour this week.

Of Jordan"s family drama and estrangement from Aaron Rodgers, JoJo told E! News, "The tabloids have been really hard for me."

"That part was absolutely been the worst."

"When it first started, here were many nights I called him sobbing, I cried myself to sleep," Fletcher went on. "I was very affected."

"I always told myself to not let it get to me, don"t listen to the media, don"t listen to what people say behind a computer screen."

"But it"s very hard. When you"re not used to it, it"s tough. I just learned to trust in our relationship and to focus on that."

Jordan, who might prefer getting a colonoscopy to talking about Aaron if you gave him the option, says he feels worst for his fiancee.

"The woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with and love more than anything is being so affected by [this]," he explained.

"And I can"t publicly support her and I can be there for her as much as I can, but we want to show people how in love we are."

"We want to show people how happy we are."

So … what"s his deal with Aaron? E! tried to get an answer, but in typical fashion, he danced around it awkwardly and would not say.

"Family things are always tough, and they"re always tough to address, let alone on a TV show," the 27-year-old ex-football star said.

"But I knew I made a commitment to go on there and be honest with JoJo and make sure that she knew everything."

"We didn"t have any time off-camera and we were going to get to a proposal. So you have to trust she believes in the person you are."

Whatever the hell that means is anyone"s guess.

Neither brother has revealed the source of the strife, although their father, Ed Rodgers, hinted at it during Fletcher’s hometown visit.

“Fame can change you," he said solemnly.

So can a famous partner? A family insider claims Aaron"s girlfriend Olivia Munn, is at the crux of the family feud that has riveted a nation.

Munn, the source says, "has a strong personality and every meeting she has had with them has gone badly,” bringing us up to this point.

"The family says Aaron stopped talking to them,” notes the insider. “While Aaron says they don’t talk because his family doesn’t like Olivia.”

A Munn source counters to Us Weekly that the Green Bay Packers QB “makes his own decisions and wouldn’t be swayed by Olivia.”  

Olivia Munn being involved in the beef does lend credence to reports that Jordan"s falling out with ex Brittany Farrar is a major factor.

Farrar is good friends with Munn, and openly put Jordan on blast, calling him out as dishonest during The Bachelorette season premiere.

In any case, the drama has left Jordan and JoJo stressed and wishing it would all go away, and that people like Chris Harrison would zip it.

"Hopefully," The Bachelorette host told the uncomfortable couple during their first post-finale interview on the After the Final Rose special:

"Aaron can make it to the wedding!"

Don"t hold your breath.

Jordan rodgers aaron rodgers feud all because of what

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Jordan Rodgers-Aaron Rodgers Feud Takes Over The Bachelorette: WTH is Going On Here?!

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers was the talk of last night’s The Bachelorette, even though he never appeared on camera.

The athlete was blurred out of family photos, even.

The relationship between Jordan Rodgers, the favorite all season, and his NFL star brother Aaron has become the topic of much debate.

Relationship or lack thereof, we should say.

The further Jordan advances in the season-long quest for JoJo’s affection, the more questions arise about his character – and his brother.

While Robby Hayes’ romance with Hope Higginbotham is giving the Rodgers’ a late run for their dysfunctional money, it’s been all about them.

Last week, in advance of JoJo Fletcher coming home to meet his family, Jordan revealed that he has little or no contact with Aaron. At all.

His vague explanations have been that it’s “complicated” or that this is how Aaron has chosen to live his life … whatever that means.

This week was somehow more awkward.

Jordan took JoJo to his hometown of Chico, Calif., introducing her to his parents and older brother, Luke; Aaron was noticeably absent.

How noticeable was Aaron’s absence, you ask?

At one point, the cameras showed an old family photo with his face blurred out. Then there was a conspicuously empty chair at dinner.

So what the heck happened between them?  

Jordan has implied, while skirting the issue as much as he can, that their falling out had something to do with Aaron’s immense fame.

He has somewhat hinted at his own insecurity at being less good at football, but hasn’t spoken directly about they they don’t talk, period.

Even JoJo can’t help but wonder at this point:

“You could tell Jordan just didn’t really want to talk about it and that it hurts him … For the last year or two, his brother hasn’t been a part of his life.”

“It makes me wonder just, you know, where did things go wrong?” Fletcher pondered, asking her suitor, “like, how does that happen?”

“Is that something that we don’t talk about?”

It’s a good question. Which he didn’t answer.

“It doesn’t need to be a topic,” he assured her, prior to sitting down with the family. “I’ll just tell [my family] we talked about it, and … yeah.”

Jordan’s father, Ed, and Jordan’s eldest brother, Luke, danced around the issue as well, yet made what felt like a public plea to Aaron.

Luke told Fletcher at one point Monday:

“It pains both of us, like, not to have that relationship. We miss our brother. We just are trusting that that God brings things full circle.”

“It’s a wish that everything would just get back to, you know, us being a family,” Luke said, in a sentiment that Jordan echoed as well.

“It would have been nice to share JoJo with not only my parents and my brother Luke but Aaron as well,” he said. “I miss my brother.”

“Especially in moments like this.”

“There’s two empty seats, and I know that they all probably wish Aaron was sitting in one of them,” JoJo lamented of the dinner table.

“It’s hard, because, like, that’s Jordan’s brother. That’s Luke’s brother. That’s Ed and Darla’s son. I have no idea, nor could I even imagine.”

Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn, his actress girlfriend, have said nary a word about this whole situation throughout the course of the season.

Speculation, naturally, is off the charts.

It has been widely reported that Jordan’s breakup with Brittany Farrar – a friend of the couple – could have played a role in the estrangement.

How much of a role? We can’t say.

In any case, look for things to get very interesting if – as The Bachelorette spoilers strongly imply – Jordan wins the final rose this season.

You can only duck these questions for so long, especially with tabloid scrutiny increasing by the week … for both Jordan and now Aaron.