Showing posts with label Rolexes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rolexes. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2017

John Wall Gives Teammates $640k Xmas, Rolexes for Everyone!!!

Turns out Santa Claus is real, and he’s black, and he plays for the Washington Wizards — because John Wall just got into the holiday spirit by buying Rolex watches for ALL of his teammates. We talked with some peeps over at Govberg Jewelers in…


Friday, January 27, 2017

Conor McGregor Ballin" Out on Friday ... Rolexes For My Sisters! (Photo)

How’d you spend your Friday? Conor McGregor spent his in a jewelry store in Ireland buying ROLEXES for his sisters!  The UFC superstar hit up Weir and Sons in Dublin along with his sisters Aoife and Erin … and showered them in fancy…
