Showing posts with label Sensible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sensible. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian to Kendall Jenner: Fight for Sensible Gun Control Laws!

How is this for irony?

Last month, Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in Paris.

A few months prior to this awful incident, meanwhile, Kim Kardashian actually spoke out in favor of strict and sensible gun control regulations.

It was one of the most admirable moves she has made in her time as a questionable and controversial celebrity.

Back in June, Kardashian responded to the Senate’s failure to pass a handful of new gun control laws by Tweeting about the “Terror Gap” in the United States, which a loophole that permits suspected terrorists on the FBI Watch List to purchase automatic weapons.

“We have repeatedly called on Congress to close this loophole that makes it easy for dangerous people to get guns & kill,” Kardashian wrote at the time, adding in anger:

“Nothing has changed!!!! People continue to senselessly die. When will these gun laws be changed?!?!?!?!!!!????”

For someone who isn’t exactly politically active, Kim deserved to be applauded for taking this stance.

This Sunday, meanwhile, those who watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or on E! when it airs will see Kim once again speak out on this important topic.

Sitting down across from Kendall Jenner, Kim tells her half-sister that she knows Kendall wants to get involved in some kind of cause.

So what about the one closest to Kim’s heart?

“I’ve been meeting with Everytown, an organization that is fighting to change all the gun control laws,” Kim says in the following sneak peek.

“There are so many loopholes in the system and I just feel really passionately about how our gun control laws have to change.”

Khloe Kardashian is also on hand for this talk and sounds like she’s interested in joining the group.

But Kendall? She has some rather self-absorbed reservations.

The 21-year model says she’s “nervous” to go on record with support for a cause such as gun control because of all of the “backlash” and “hate” she might receive.

You can tell by her expression in the photo below that she’s not excited about it. At all.

“I feel like in life I’ve gotten a lot of backlash and I’ve gotten a lot of hate, so I’m gonna just stick up for what I believe in and what I want,” Kim says to her sister, making yet another good point for once.

And this is what Kendall says in response:

“It’s something you believe in, so you need to be confident and, like go for it. But at the same time… I don’t know.”

Oh, Kendall. Aren’t you supposed to be the well-reasoned, mature sibling? The one who cares about her legitimate career of modeling and not about amassing a certain number of social media followers?

Yes, you may receive some backlash when speaking out in support of any cause.

But you may also bring attention to that cause and help certain pieces of legislation get passed.

And, trust us, the next time there’s a school shooting, you’ll feel pretty good about that.

Kim Kardashian has been coming on strong of late.

Click through the gallery above to see why she may not be so evil after all.
