Showing posts with label Smokers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smokers. Show all posts

Saturday, October 3, 2015

23 Celebrity Smokers Who Don"t Give AF About Cancer

A gallery of celebrities who like to smoke, despite the many health risks involved.

1. Katherine Heigl

Katherine heigl smoking

Katherine Heigl is smoking hot … although her smoking habit is so not. She also thinks e-cigarettes are cool, which is almost funny but more sad than anything.

2. Kate Moss

Kate moss smoking

WOW Kate Moss. That is not a good advertisement for smoking. Or for you.

3. Simon Cowell

Simon cowell smoking

Simon Cowell has never been shy about his smoking habit either. He does not care if you think it’s … Kool.

4. Lana Del Rey

Lana del rey smoking

Lana Del Rey says she wishes she were dead. This ought to speed that along well.

5. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay lohan blowing

Lindsay Lohan blows smoke in every sense.

6. Sean Penn

Sean penn smoking

Sean Penn is a renowned smoker. It’s done a lot of things for his looks too.

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