Showing posts with label Snot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snot. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Justin Bieber Wears World"s Worst Disguise, Blows Snot on Fans

Nice try, Justin Bieber.

Actually, we take it back:

Terrible try, Justin Bieber. Really, really, really terrible try.

The singer has been over in Europe for the past few weeks on the latest leg of his world tour.

He recently stopped by Amsterdam and apparently wanted to stroll through the city without being bombarded by fans.

We can understand that desire. We can sympathize with celebrities who never enjoy a moment of privacy.

But that doesn’t mean we’re not about to laugh hilariously as the steps Bieber took in order to remain incognito.

Mostly because they failed so miserably.

Multiple pedestrians in Amsterdam easily spotted the singer out and about this week, despite his wig and fake facial hair.

And, ironically, the donning of this absurd disguise simply made Bieber’s presence in that city stand out even further, considering numerous Twitter users shared photos of Bieber online in his ridiculous get-up.

There was this one:

And then this one:

And then what might go down as the greatest picture to ever hit the Internet:

Despite his best efforts to go unnoticed, Bieber attracted as many followers than ever while he was in the Netherlands, as folks clamored to snap pictures of the artist in this costume.

But perhaps that was Justin’s plan all along.

Perhaps he wanted to divert attention from another unfortunate incident that befell the singer while abroad.

We speak of the time he sneezed and doused numerous concert attendees with far more snot than they probably wanted to fall upon their heads.

See what happened here:

Who are we kidding, though?

The young women in the first row likely haven’t even showered since getting covered in Justin Bieber boogers.

Bieber has actually been relatively quiet over the past several months.

He dated Sofia Richie over the summer and then deleted his Instagram account after Richie received death threats and Selena Gomez called out her ex-boyfriend over that social media platform.

Justin and Sofia eventually split, but the former hasn’t really spoken on that breakup, either.

He’s sort of just been doing his own thing for awhile now, performing various shows for fans in various countries and not throwing a single egg at a single neighbor.

As far as we know, at least.

Trying to wear a disguise while in another country just proves even more how Bieber wants some time to himself these days.

We don’t blame him. We think it’s a great idea even.

We just can’t stop laughing at the way he went about trying to accomplish that goal.
