Showing posts with label Soften. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soften. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Cesar Millan Says Trump Needs a Dog to Soften His Immigration Policy and Image

Cesar Millan’s sad about what’s happening in America — with immigrant families being torn apart — but believes there could be a way to fix it … get President Trump a dog!! We got the famed pup whisperer at LAX Tuesday, and he went to bat for…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Cesar Millan says a White House dog Would Soften President Trump (VIDEO)

Cesar Millan says President Trump has drawn a hard line so far, but there’s something that could soften him. Cesar was out in Bev Hills Tuesday when he told our photog about the virtues of a White House dog, and how it might affect…
