Showing posts with label Spoiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spoiles. Show all posts

Monday, August 22, 2016

Big Brother Spoiles: What Side Did James Pick?

James Huling has played a low-key game of Big Brother this summer. 

He quickly joined multiple alliances in order to get further, but his relationship with Natalie has forced him to turn on most of his alliance members. 

It’s now at the stage of the season for him to pick who will be the best people to take him and Natalie to the end. 

Considering Corey and Nicole are also in a showmance, it makes sense for the four to make a short-term alliance to get rid of Paul, Victor and Michelle. 

That was the plan, but Michelle becoming Co-HOH changed things somewhat. Michelle really doesn’t like Nicole. 

Remember that time she called her a snake on TV? She still stands by that statement, but she doesn’t want Nicole to know until she’s sent out the house. 

Victor and Paul managed to sway Natalie and Michelle into regretting their decision to nominate them over the weekend and they all mutually decided to target Corey instead. 

Meanwhile, James continued to say to Natalie they can only trust Corey and Nicole. This makes sense because Victor and Paul are competition beasts and will continue to wipe the house out if they get the chance to stay together. 

The plan became to target Paul because James would be the swing vote in all of it, but that was ruined when Paul won the veto and earned the power to take himself off the block. 

Michelle was pretty vocal about not taking Victor out of the game because he has not wronged her, but she really doesn’t have a choice. 

James will be the swing vote, so the ball is really in his court and he wants to break up Victor and Paul. 

Natalie eventually agreed with him, but flip-flopping happens a lot in Big Brother, so don’t expect any confirmation until eviction night about who will be sent packing. 

There’s also a juror returning to the game on Thursday. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if it was the person sent packing this week?

There’s also the possibility of Paulie returning, but would he want to return to his old alliance with Nicole and Corey?

Would they even let him?

There’s sure to be a lot of drama over the next few days in the house. 

What do you want to happen this week?

Hit the comments below!