Showing posts with label Squrims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Squrims. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Harry Styles Squrims Over Taylor Swift, Spills Handsome Guts

Harry Styles has finally gone there.

Over three years since he split from Taylor Swift, the One Direction artist has sat down and opened up to Rolling Stone about the Relationship That Rocked Hollywood.

Although he wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about doing so.

When asked about his fellow pop star and their history together by writer Cameron Crowe, Styles joked that he’d rather not discuss it.

“I gotta pee first. This might be a long one,” he told Crowe when the subject was broached, quipping:

“Actually, you can say, ‘He went for a pee and never came back."”

Styles did come back, however, and went into more detail in this interview about Swift than at any time in his past.

For example:

What does he think about those paparazzi photos from his second date ever with Taylor, when the stars walked around Central Park and the entire world knew basically right away?

“When I see photos from that day, I think: Relationships are hard, at any age,” he says.

“And adding in that you don’t really understand exactly how it works when you’re 18, trying to navigate all that stuff didn’t make it easier.

I mean, you’re a little bit awkward to begin with. You’re on a date with someone you really like. It should be that simple, right? It was a learning experience for sure.”

Really, Styles admits, “I just wanted it to be a normal date.”

Styles was the one who called off his romance with Swift, allegedly because she was a prude who was more into her cats than she was into getting naked with her boyfriend.

It was then presumed that Swift wrote two songs (“Bad Blood” and “Style”) about her handsome ex as part of her “1989” album.

Asked about those tracks now, Styles takes the high road.

“I don’t know if they’re about me or not…but the issue is, she’s so good, they’re bloody everywhere,” he tells Rolling Stone, adding:

“I write from my experiences; everyone does that. I’m lucky if everything [we went through together] helped create those songs. That’s what hits your heart.”

Does he think Swift has gotten too personal with some of her perceived break-up anthems?

“That’s the stuff that’s hardest to say, and it’s the stuff I talk least about,” Styles says. “That’s the part that’s about the two people. I’m never going to tell anybody everything.”

Taylor has never directly addressed her split from Style.

But she did she say in a May 2015 interview that she wishes a certain former boyfriend well… and everyone assumed at the time she was talking about Harry.

This wasn’t an especially messy break-up.

Because it involved two high-profile artists, however, and because details have been so scarce over the years, people remained fascinated by what transpired.

 Has Styles ever told Swift he admires her songs?

“Yes and no. She doesn’t need me to tell her they’re great,” he says of the aforementioned tracks. “They’re great songs…It’s the most amazing unspoken dialogue ever.”

In all seriousness, however, Styles clearly has no ill will when it comes to Taylor.

He actually comes across very mature when the relationship is discussed. He has a lot of perspective.

“Certain things don’t work out,” Styles explains.

“There’s a lot of things that can be right, and it’s still wrong. In writing songs about stuff like that, I like tipping a hat to the time together. You’re celebrating the fact it was powerful and made you feel something, rather than ‘this didn’t work out, and that’s bad.’

“And if you run into that person, maybe it’s awkward, maybe you have to get drunk…but you shared something.

“Meeting someone new, sharing those experiences, it’s the best s–t ever. So thank you.”

Yup, Harry Styles just thanked Taylor Swift.

And he said very nice things about her.

And both stars are single.

Do you think they might get back together someday?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
