Showing posts with label Stalkig. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stalkig. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Jason Hoppy: Arrested for Stalkig Bethenny Frankel!

Jason Hoppy has finally gone too far with Bethenny Frankel.

One could easily say, of course, that Hoppy went too far many times in the past with Frankel.

Back in November, for instance, Hoppy was accused by Frankel’s then-boyfriend, Dennis Shields, of sending dozens of emails with “increasing frequency and hostility.”

Those were the words of Shields’ attorney at the time.

The emails in question last fall referred to Frankel as old and ugly and warned Shields that she would soon leave him, just as Bethenny supposedly left all the other men in her life.

That was bad.

But the latest allegation against Hoppy is even worse.

According to The New York Post, Hoppy was arrested for stalking Frankel after her allegedly turned up outside the school of the couple’s daughter on Friday and screamed four words at his ex-wife:


The New York Police Department has confirmed the arrest and said it relates to the aforementioned email scandal.

After Hoppy sent nearly 50 threatening emails to Shields and Frankel over the span of about three months last year, he was issued a cease-and-desist letter.

Those past instances, combined with what happened late last week, gave the police ammunition to charge Hoppy with stalking.

Said a NYPD spokeswoman to the newspaper:

“On Friday, January 27, the suspect approached [Bethenny] and a friend at her child’s school at around 8:15 a.m. and tried to provoke a fight.

“He said, ‘I will destroy you, you can get all the lawyers you want, you’ve been warned."”

The spokeswoman adds that Hoppy denies this account and was placed under arrest on Friday afternoon and charged with harassment in the first degree and stalking in the fourth degree.

Hoppy and Frankel are parents to a six-year old named Bryn.

They were married for two years prior to getting embroiled in one of the ugliest, most bitter divorce and custody battles on record.

The divorce was not even made official until July 2016, at which time it was believed Hoppy was awarded a ton of money in spousal support.

“Jason is thrilled that this chapter of his life is over; he is extremely pleased with the settlement that was reached,” an attorney speaking for Frankel’s ex said last summer.

In addition to a custody debate, the angry lovers endured conflict over who could live in the Tribeca apartment Bethenny bought in 2001.

Unable to decide on ownership themselves, the two actually lived for years under that same roof, despite their public and nasty breakup.

Frankel later referred to this arrangement as “brutal” and “horrendous.”

“I have cried enough tears to fill the Hudson River,” Frankel said last year of the split “I’d think, how could this go on for so long? Four years on a two-year marriage!”

Neither Frankel nor Hoppy has commented on this new arrest and the new stalking charge.

We aren’t going to choose a side in their ongoing drama.

We’re just going to say that a little girl is caught in between and we hope both sides remember that.
