Showing posts with label TrumpCosby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TrumpCosby. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2018

Malcolm-Jamal Warner Says Omarosa"s Off Base with Trump-Cosby Comparison

Malcolm-Jamal Warner thinks Omarosa’s Donald Trump-Bill Cosby comparison is unfair … because she knew what she was getting into BEFORE she went to work with the Prez. The former ‘Cosby Show’ star was at LAX Friday when he addressed Omarosa’s…


Omarosa Draws Trump-Cosby Comparison on "Celeb BB"

Omarosa was loyal “to a fault” when it comes to standing by President Trump, which is exactly like standing by alleged rapist Bill Cosby … according to her. Trump’s former aide was running her mouth about life in the White House Thursday night on…
