Showing posts with label Tyson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyson. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tyson Beckford Calls Out Matt Damon: Find Out Why!

Tyson Beckford is not afraid to take on the heavyweights of Hollywood.

He made that very clear when he took Justin Bieber to task a couple years ago, absolutely destroying the singer by dubbing Bieber a little boy.

Now, in his latest sidewalk chat with TMZ, the model takes aim at Matt Damon.

Initially, the cameraman asks Beckford about Damon"s role in the latest Jason Bourne movie as a way of mocking the actor.

He only has, like 25 lines in the entire film, the cameraman jokes. That"s like a million bucks per line!

But Beckford has no problem with Damon"s speaking role and/or salary. He says that if one can get the money, one should most definitely go out and get it.

The very handsome star, instead, takes issue with something else when it comes to Damon and this beloved character:

Bourne"s prominent use of guns.

Damon, Beckford argues, is one of the most outspoken celebrity gun control advocates.

So should he really be out there, shooting up a storm on the big screen? Isn"t this sending a bad message to fans?

"You can’t sit there and denounce the gun when the gun is making you money," Beckford tells TMZ in the following video.

He doesn"t seem too upset over it, mind you, later adding that "It’s Hollywood [and] you can lie and … make money," so whatever.

Should this really be any point of contention, however? Are we really saying that an actor can"t be in favor of common sense gun control while also portraying a character who shoots guns?

For what it"s worth, Bourne really only shoots handguns and no gun control advocate out there is trying to ban the sale of handguns to law-abiding citizens.

What do you think of this debate?

Is Damon a hypocrite for taking a political stance in real life and then taking on the role of Jason Bourne?

Or should Beckford just chill out? (Although, again, the guy is pretty chill in this video. He"s just sayin, basically. Check it out for yourself below.) 

Tyson beckford calls out matt damon find out why

Tyson Beckford Calls Out Matt Damon: Find Out Why!

Tyson Beckford is not afraid to take on the heavyweights of Hollywood.

He made that very clear when he took Justin Bieber to task a couple years ago, absolutely destroying the singer by dubbing Bieber a little boy.

Now, in his latest sidewalk chat with TMZ, the model takes aim at Matt Damon.

Initially, the cameraman asks Beckford about Damon"s role in the latest Jason Bourne movie as a way of mocking the actor.

He only has, like 25 lines in the entire film, the cameraman jokes. That"s like a million bucks per line!

But Beckford has no problem with Damon"s speaking role and/or salary. He says that if one can get the money, one should most definitely go out and get it.

The very handsome star, instead, takes issue with something else when it comes to Damon and this beloved character:

Bourne"s prominent use of guns.

Damon, Beckford argues, is one of the most outspoken celebrity gun control advocates.

So should he really be out there, shooting up a storm on the big screen? Isn"t this sending a bad message to fans?

"You can’t sit there and denounce the gun when the gun is making you money," Beckford tells TMZ in the following video.

He doesn"t seem too upset over it, mind you, later adding that "It’s Hollywood [and] you can lie and … make money," so whatever.

Should this really be any point of contention, however? Are we really saying that an actor can"t be in favor of common sense gun control while also portraying a character who shoots guns?

For what it"s worth, Bourne really only shoots handguns and no gun control advocate out there is trying to ban the sale of handguns to law-abiding citizens.

What do you think of this debate?

Is Damon a hypocrite for taking a political stance in real life and then taking on the role of Jason Bourne?

Or should Beckford just chill out? (Although, again, the guy is pretty chill in this video. He"s just sayin, basically. Check it out for yourself below.) 

Tyson beckford calls out matt damon find out why

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mike Tyson Gets Knocked Out By Hoverboard

For the most part, we try not to laugh at the pain of others here at The Hollywood Gossip.

But when a former Heavyweight Champion of the World spins around on a hoverboard at home prior to falling off and slamming his back against the hardwood floor?

Well… we need to make an exception.

The above sentence pretty much describes exactly what takes place below, as Mike Tyson opens the footage by happily taking his latest Christmas present for a ride.

But then things take a turn for the worse.

And also for the very painful.

"#hoverboard #knockout #MikeTysonBreaksBack #imtoooldforthisshit @getcyboard," Tyson captioned the following video, which he shared on Instagram.

Hey, at least the athlete can laugh at himself.

While Tyson"s fall may be the main slip-up to go viral this week, the 49-year old  isn"t the only one having trouble learning how to ride this dumb motorized skateboards.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, numerous injuries caused by the widespread Christmas gift have been reported.

"We"ve seen a lot of falls over the holidays," spokesperson for the commission, Patty Davis, told People Magazine days after the holiday.

"We"ve seen at least 39 emergency room treated injuries associated with hoverboards" concussions, fractures, contusions, abrasions."

Watch the hilarious footage now:

Mike tyson wipes out on hoverboard

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Mike Tyson: Vote Donald Trump for President!

Did Mike Tyson just deliver a knockout punch to Jeb Bush, Ben Carson and other Republican nominees for President?

Probably not.

But the former heavyweight champion of the world did step into the political ring during a recent interview with The Huffington Post, making it very clear who has his support.

Speaking about Donald Trump, Tyson said simply, “he should be President of the United States,” going on to explain:

"Let"s try something new. Let"s run America like a business, where no colors matter. Whoever can do the job, gets the job."

What about the comments Trump has made about women? What about what Trump said about Mexicans? And then about other immigrants?

Tyson admitted some of these remarks may have been a tad on the "crude" side, but whatever. That"s Iron Mike"s basic take.

Tyson doesn"t believe Trump actually "thinks of Latinos in that [negative] way," offering no real evidence to back up this assertion.

The former boxer went on to say he would absolutely "endorse" Trump for real if asked, though Trump"s campaign is yet to reach out and inquire.

It is worth noting that Tyson may have changed his reputation over recent years by appearing in The Hangover movies and even starring in a Broadway play.

But the guy did go to jail for rape. He also has a tattoo on his face. And he also once bit off part of Evander Holyfield"s ear inside the ring during a match.

Even Donald Trump may not want him in his corner.

(Eh, who are we kidding? Donald Trump has no standards. )

Mike tyson vote donald trump for president