Showing posts with label Unsurprisingly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unsurprisingly. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

Tony Robbins Fans Walk on Hot Coals, Unsurprisingly Get Burned

For years, motivational speaker Tony Robbins has made a killing by telling followers to "Unleash the Power Within," but they"re really burned up over his teachings now.

Like, literally.

The author and self-help guru reportedly had fans walk over a blanket of hot coals during a seminar in Dallas, encouraging them to, ya know, conquer their fears.

To the surprise of no sane individual, more than 30 participants were treated for burns to their feet and legs, with five requiring hospitalization.

I"m certain there are far safer fear-conquering activities that could"ve worked just as well, but nothing brings out your inner carnie like hot coal-stepping.

Amazingly, Robbins" people have defended the coal walk, claiming that more than 7,000 people performed the feat but only five had to be rushed to the hospital.

Call me crazy, but I think that"s five too many.

"I know it might not look that way, but this was actually another successful fire walk," Robbins" head trainer Chad Schinke told reporters.

"We had over 7,000 people that walked across the hot coals and we always have a few people that have some discomfort afterwards," he added.

"Discomfort" he calls it. Dude.

"We do our best to take care of them and ensure that they get whatever help that they feel like they need."

"Help that they feel like they need?" This guy"s a tool.

Funnily enough, with every cult there are always folks drunk on Kool-Aid who refuse to fault the ringleader.

"I"m just shocked, I"m out of words," said one participant. "I"ve never seen this in all of my events and I have to just say it has nothing to do with the training."

"It has absolutely nothing to do with Tony Robbins," she added.


Do we have to point out the obvious? It was his event, he suggested the ridiculous exercise and he surely knew of the dangers because even my frigging cat knows better than to do something so asinine.

The god complex, people. It"s a scary, scary thing.


Tony robbins tells fans to walk on hot coals unsurprisingly get