Showing posts with label Uplifting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uplifting. Show all posts

Monday, March 20, 2017

Kim Kardashian Shares Uplifting Message From French Paparazzi

Kim Kardashian detailed the harrowing events of October 3 on Keeping Up with the Kardashians last night.

As has been previously reported numerous times, of course, that was the day on which Kim was robbed at gunpoint by armed intruders in Paris, France.

We’d heard the reality star discuss this frightening incident before, but never in the explicit way it came up on Sunday’s episode.

At one point, she sat on the sofa and explained what was going through her mind to sisters Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian.

“I was looking at the gun, looking down back at the stairs,” Kim said.

“I have a split second in my mind to make this quick decision.

“Am I going to run down the stairs and either be shot in the back – it makes me so upset to think about it – but either they’re going to shoot me in the back or if I make it and they don’t, if the elevator doesn’t open in time or the stairs are locked, then I’m f–ked!

“There’s no way out.”

She continued:

“And then, [one robber] grabs my legs and I wasn’t, you know, I had no clothes on under.

“He pulled me toward him at the front of the bed and I thought, ‘OK, this is the moment they’re going to rape me. I fully mentally prepped myself – and then he didn’t.”

Nothing particular positive came out of this awful experience, except for Kardashian hopefully appreciating every second of life a bit more… as we all should, really.

But a random, quasi silver lining from the incident is that Kim learned how much she is loved by members of the paparazzi France.

In response to the episode, 23 French photographers sent her a photo of themselves in front of the Eiffel Tower, along with the following message:

“To Kim & the Kardashians, ‘We don’t love you because we need you, We need you because we love you.’

“All the very best, Your favorite french paps.” 

The 36-year old mother of two Tweeted the snapshot and added emojis of red and blue hearts and a French flag.

Kardashian also shared her own message on social media after the installment aired on E!. It read as follows:

“I took a tragic horrific experience and did not let it diminish me, rather grew and evolved and allowed the experience to teach me.

I can say I’ve become so much better because of it….thank you for allowing me to share my story tonight #KUWTK.”

Click on the following video if you wish to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online in order to see Kim discuss the near-rape and murder:

There’s been talk that Keeping Up with the Kardashians may soon get canceled, which we suppose would be a second silver lining to come out of this robbery.

But we can’t imagine the family turning down all the money that comes their way each week as a result of this ridiculous show.

We can’t ever imagine Kim being able to step so far away from the spotlight, either.

She”s scaled back her Tweeting and Instagram posting since the incident; she’s appeared on fewer red carpets.

Still. We’ll believe that she’s saying goodbye to reality TV when we see it. And not a moment sooner.

Until then, we really do wish her the best in the wake of this awful robbery, which you can learn more about via the following photo and fact gallery:
