Showing posts with label Whip/Nae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whip/Nae. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2015

World"s Worst "Whip/Nae Nae" is Also the Cutest

You know how the old adage goes, right?

Dance like no one is watching.

And you know what it means, right?

Be confident in yourself. Don"t worry about what anyone else is thinking. Heck, don"t even notice what anyone else is thinking.

You just do you and prove to others that you are a worthwhile person on your own, original, creative merits.

This can be easier said than done, of course, as every guy who has ever shied away from dancing on a wedding floor knows.

But try telling that to the little girl featured in the following video, which we first saw on My Fanatic and which comes to us from Bev"s Dance Studio & Lily Pad in Michigan.

Do you think this girl cares that, to be honest, she may be the worst "Whip/Nae Nae" dancer in the history of the universe?

No, she can"t pull off these moves like Justin Bieber can, or, heck, like some 95-year old men may be able to.

Not even close.

But that isn"t preventing her from having a blast while jumping around and shaking her leg and doing God knows what, really.

But we tip our figurative hats to her and we stand and applaud her effort.

Worlds worst whip slash nae nae is also its most adorable