Showing posts with label Witney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Witney. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Tom Bergeron SLAMMED for Comments About Witney Carson!

Tom Bergeron made an "odd" comment on Dancing With The Stars, and he"s taking some serious heat for it.

This started with Carrie Ann Inaba praising Witney Carson and Frankie Muniz for their waltz. 

"So far for me, that was the closest thing to perfection. I mean, you are so exquisite when you dance."

Pretty standard fare stuff for Dancing With The Stars. Inaba continued: "It"s just so clean. I look for mistakes, but I don"t see them — except for when you almost lost control of Witney there."

This is when Tom Bergeron decided to chime in with one of his attempts at humor. They never go well, but this time, it was especially bad: "I"m guessing he"s not the first guy who"s lost control of Witney." Yikes!

Witney Carson looked shocked, and a lot of viewers felt the same way.

At worst, this was an implication about her personal life that may very well amount to sexual harassment. At best, it was a dumb joke and attempted compliment and Tom Bergeron just failed to communicate that. Which would make him a not-so-great TV host.

Witney says that she"s just going to "brush it off," which is totally her choice and an effective way to avoid further controversy.

Below, you"ll see fan tweets slamming Bergeron — but you"ll also see a few defending him.

And you"ll see what Tom Bergeron had to say when he finally addressed the issue.

1. Like we said, Bergeron is getting slammed

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This tweeter was not the first or last to mention #MeToo and the inappropriate things that so many women hear in the workplace.

2. This one’s nice and concise

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Some aren’t sure if it was sexual harassment, but most can agree that whatever Bergeron was trying to say wasn’t appropriate

3. He really stepped in it this time

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Another #MeToo reference, though perhaps we should let Witney herself decide if this is a #MeToo situation

4. This one has a good sense of empathy

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Weird comments are bad enough at work, but at work on national television? Yikes.

5. We’re always here for a good Saved By The Bell reference

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But seriously, folks, we wonder what was going through Bergeron’s mind

6. Some wondered if they misheard

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It’s a little unlikely that everyone “misheard” the same thing

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