Friday, December 16, 2016

Chelsea Houska to Farrah Abraham: Keep Hating, It"s Cool!

Chelsea Houska is the latest Teen Mom cast member to be dragged by Farrah Abraham, but she’s not going to engage on that level.

When Farrah goes low, Chelsea goes high. Or something.

If you missed it, Farrah dissed Chelsea and Kailyn Lowry after her infamous, physical Teen Mom OG reunion fight with Amber Portwood.

Without any logic behind it, and for no reason at all.

In explaining why she’s just better than the rest of the Teen Mom gang, Farrah alleged that Kailyn and Chelsea got pregnant to stay relevant.

Never mind that Houska and Lowry are, or were, married to the father of their second kid, and already on a popular reality show then.

While Houska responded to Abraham’s shade, she didn’t address it beyond acknowledging that Lowry – who was more vocal – clued her in.

Now she’s taking on Farrah directly … but still nicely.

“I don’t let her brother me,” Houska, 25, said.

“Everyone is different, and not everyone likes everybody. I don’t think she likes us and that’s fine,” she added of Farrah, also 25.

Chelsea and Cole De Boer married this fall and are expecting their first child – her second – sometime in the next month or so.

Abraham’s exact quote, we kid not, was this gem: “It’s sad to me that these women who I meet/see, so eager to be famous.”

“I’m not okay with seeing women who are getting pregnant worried about being famous like Chelsea Houska, Kailyn Lowry.” 

Lowry did not take kindly to that comment.

“Do you ever have anything nice to say about anyone?” Lowry tweeted, as Abraham responded by doubling down and calling her a pawn: 

“Yes real people who aren’t fake puppets of @mjfree production company. Thanks for asking sweetie hope you stay out of the drama.”

Lowry then responded to that one, “Hard to stay out of it when you bring my name into interviews and say I got pregnant to stay relevant.”

She raises a valid point, doesn’t she?

At the reunion special, Amber Portwood took a swing at Farrah after the latter commented that Matt Baier “probably looks like” a pedophile.

Behind it all was the ultimate online troll, Simon Saran; Farrah’s on-off boyfriend seemed to delight in instigating this drama, and watching.

In vintage Farrah fashion, Abraham didn’t take responsibility, instead saying, “I’m over all the other Teen Moms and I’m bored with their antics.”

In that respect, she and Chelsea really are on the same page … only one of them actually behaves in a way that supports such a statement.

As her father Randy – a small-town dentist trying to live a normal life, but who hilariously offers some of the best Teen Mom tweets – said:

“#hilarious I wonder exactly which TM would do ANYTHING to be famous … Chelsea flies so far under the radar, @MTV forgets about her #teenmom2”

