Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The 7 Girls From The Bachelor That Nick Viall Has Slept With

You don"t need The Bachelor spoilers to tell you that Nick Viall has been around the block at this point, to say the absolute least.

So much so that there are rumored/assumed/widely believed to be seven women from the popular franchise that he"s slept with.

That we know of.

Think about it. He made it to the finale of The Bachelorette, twice. Then went to Paradise. Then was selected as The Bachelor.

We"re also talking about Nick Viall, a man who"s been more open about his sexual exploits than some of his partners might like.

So who has he had relations with? At this point, who has he not?! How many are there we can"t identify? Is this a TV record?

NOTE: This list includes who Nick Viall picks on The Bachelor this season, as well as his other alleged Fantasy Suite guests.

If you don"t want serious spoilers for this coming campaign to be given away, we suggest you turn back now. Like … right now.

1. Andi Dorfman

Andi dorfman instagram photo

After coming in second to Josh Murray on The Bachelorette’s 2014 season, Nick asked Andi Dorfman on live TV why she would make love to him if she wasn’t going to get engaged to him. Maybe the most awkward moment ever.

2. Kaitlyn Bristowe

Kaitlyn on the bachelorette pic

Like Andi Dorfman, Kaitlyn Bristowe came in third on The Bachelor, got the starring job on The Bachelorette, made sweet love to Nick Viall and dumped him on the season finale. Deja vu at its finest.

3. Jen Saviano

Nick viall and jen saviano

Jen Saviano and Nick hit it off in Paradise last summer, but he eventually dumped her after the spinoff wrapped. Some observers think Nick’s surprising image rehabilitation on Bachelor in Paradise got him The Bachelor gig … and that he dumped Jen once that became a possibility. In any case, they had the sex.

4. Elizabeth Sandoz

Elizabeth sandoz

In one of the funnier twists in recent memory, Nick and Elizabeth Sandoz apparently boned at Tanner Tolbert and Jade Roper’s wedding, after which Nick didn’t call or talk to her … until she was cast on his season of The Bachelor. Gotta hand it to producers on that one.

5. Rachel Lindsay

Rachel lindsay pic

Rachel Lindsay may make history as the first African-American star of The Bachelorette … but if she slept with Nick in the Fantasy Suite, as is widely believed, she has company in that department.

6. Raven Gates

Raven gates pic

Raven Gates is the most awesomely named contestant in Bachelor history. And also hot. As one of Nick’s (rumored) final two this season, we’d say the chances of them not getting naked are slim to none.

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