Thursday, December 1, 2016

Tori Spelling: All I Want for Christmas is My Husband!

Tori Spelling — who’s pregnant! — is apparently kinda over the fact that her husband, Dean McDermott cheated a few years back.

Spelling shared an absolutely adorable holiday card featuring her entire family … as well as the latest bun in the oven … and for the first time, everybody involved looks really, really happy.

And pregnant! 

She shared the card on her website, ediTORIal, and wrote, “The holidays are officially upon us, and this is hands-down our favorite time of year in the McDermott household.”

“We’re so incredibly grateful for another amazing year, and I couldn’t feel more lucky to have such a wonderful husband and such incredible, smart, hilarious little ones (with another on the way!!),” a pregnant Tori Spelling wrote.

“We’re excited to celebrate all the holiday traditions we love so much!”

“Making Christmas cookies,” the former Beverly Hills: 90210 star continued, “DIYing up a storm, whipping up our fave holiday foods, decorating the tree, and watching our family’s favorite classic holiday movies together.”

She added, “Another favorite McDermott family tradition is our annual holiday card,” and then went on to shill for a product endorsement.

Which isn’t entirely surprising, considering this is the woman who sold her former costar, Jason Priestley’s, wedding invitation …

… And later went on in a likely-paid interview to reveal that Tori Spelling slept with Jason Priestley.

Poor Spelling and company have been in a financial mess of sorts lately, owing nearly 40k on an unpaid American Express bill, and that doesn’t even count her taxes … which top off around a quarter-mil.

It’s really no wonder the family is bouncing from rental home to rental home these days — property taxes in SoCal can be a b-tch, don’t you know. 

On the whole, though, it’s really good to see that Tori — and her family — are doing all right.

It’s apparent that Spelling has put her husband, Dean McDermott’s, cheating behind her, and move on with her life.

The duo have expressed their appreciation and understanding for one another over the last year increasingly, which was either an attempt to show a true reality, or to soften the blow of yet another pregnancy.

Will the McDermott’s be Hollywood’s next Duggars?


They have all the kids, and take all the pics, and they also have a former sexual deviant on their hands to contend with.

Granted, what Josh Duggar did was way worse than McDermott’s cheating, but still …

It’s happy times all around for the McDermott family, and who are we — or anybody else? — to rain on their parade?

Really, really looking good, y’all!
