Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Jessa Duggar: See Her Son"s KILLER Dance Moves!

Look, maybe the Duggars aren"t your cup of tea. And that"s OK.

Maybe you just never watched 19 Kids and Counting, perhaps because you just don"t enjoy reality television, or because you didn"t see any entertainment value in watching a married couple have as many children as humanly possible.

Maybe you didn"t agree with the Duggars" beliefs — after all, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and just good old-fashioned bigotry isn"t eveybody"s jam.

There"s also a chance that you promised yourself that you"d never look at this family ever, ever again after the news broke that Josh Duggar had molested five young girls, four of those girls being his little sisters.

And all that"s totally fair, believe us. More than fair, really.

But every cloud, no matter how dark and scary and awful, has its silver lining, you know?

And for this family, the silver lining seems to be the precious little children who are totally innocent in all this nonsense.

One of those little children is Jessa Duggar"s son, little Spurgeon Seewald. Spurgeon just celebrated his first birthday earlier this month, and he"s so cute it hurts.

If you want proof of that, just check out this video that Jessa was kind enough to share.

Spurgeon has some pretty amazing dance moves, and he"s clearly not afraid to show them off!

Check out the sweet video below:

Jessa duggar see her sons killer dance moves