Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Angelina Jolie: I Want to Take the Kids FAR Away From Brad!

Forget Taylor Swift being the most hated, calculating woman in Hollywood!

TMZ reported that things with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie just turned even more sour — and that Angie’s looking to move the kids to London … permanently. 

The source at TMZ claimed that Jolie is looking for a hefty position within the United Nations, and that she’s reportedly using the Pitt abuse allegations as fodder to take the kids out of the country indefinitely. 

It was also alleged that Angelina’s been plotting this for more than a year, “looking for an opportunity to end the marriage” and take her humanitarian actions outside of US borders. 

It gets even worse, though. 

Jolie reportedly has two women in the UN council that have been convincing her that she could very well become the next Secretary General of the UN … so long as she “plays her cards right.” 

According to sources close to the family, the news outlet claimed that Jolie has been coming up with any and all schemes in order to expedite the divorce and custody settlement. 

… Including the possibility of dummying up some bogus child abuse claims? 

If this is true, how very low can this woman go? 

There’s shrewd and calculating, and then there’s this. 

… Whatever “this” is. 

The sources also claimed that if Angelina were to move to London, she’d be in a very well-placed situation to be tapped as the next Secretary General. 

When TMZ reached out to Jolie’s rep about a possible move outside the country, the allegations were denied.

Of course. 

Really, though, what else would you expect her and her camp to say — that, yes, she’s prepared to give all and end all to be all? 

Come on

It’d appear that circumstances have remained steady in that Jolie wants sole custody of the couple’s six kids, but TMZ claims to have inside knowledge.

According to the site, there’s no way in hell Angelina will be allowed to take the kids out of the country on a permanent basis. 

Frankly, it sounds like Jolie wants to be the very next Amal Alamuddin.

However, by divorcing Amal’s husband’s best friend, and alienating him both personally and publicly might not be the best way to accomplish that. 
