Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kanye West: I Need to Keep Away from the Kardashians!

For the past several days, stunning reports from across the Internet have alleged that Kim Kardashian may divorce Kanye West.

There’s been talk that Kim has met with an attorney already and is simply sick and tired of Kanye’s nonsense.

The stars have allegedly grown apart ever since Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in early October, an incident that caused her to shy away from the spotlight and NOT go on tour with her husband for the first time in years.

As a result, there’s supposedly tension between Kim and Kanye, although all reports to date have claimed that she’s the one considering a split.

All reports until THIS one right here, that is.

According to Page Six of The New York Post, West is fearful of becoming the next Kardashian “casualty.’

He’s aware that Kris Humphries is no longer a household name… and that Lamar Odom has fallen off the wagon… and that nearly every man who a Kardashian or Jenner touches ends up regretting his association with this family.

Could someone as successful as Kanye West fall prey to this curse?

Anything is possible.

“People around [West] are like, ‘He needs to get away from those crazy people.’ It’s just a curse over there,” an insider tells Page Six, adding:

“Anything with the Kardashians is tarnished and . . . they’re opportunistic people who completely take advantage of him.”

And while one might think that Kanye could never see himself being taken advantage of, the same insider claims that the rapper understands where his pals are coming from.

“Even [Kanye’s] like, ‘F-ck this, I’m not going to be the next casualty,” the source says.

While still very much married, Kim and Kanye are living apart right now.

Kardashian and her kids are reportedly shacking up with Kris Jenner for awhile, at least until things calm down inside their regular home.

The rapper was released this month after nine days in the hospital for a nervous breakdown and is still receiving outpatient treatment. He has a long way to go until he’s in the mental clear.

Similarly, Kardashian is still feeling the negative effects of the aforementioned robbery.

Both have some major issues on their plates.

It remains to be seen whether they will be able to work on these issues together, or if the once-stable couple will be torn apart.

There’s no definitive answer at the moment.

In the same Page Six report that claimed Kanye wants to avoid becoming the next Kardashian victim, another insider says the following:

“The divorce stuff is totally untrue. If anything – with everything that’s been going on between the robbery and this episode with him – it’s brought them closer.

“Kim has been right by his side and they’ve gotten closer than ever through it….

“[The divorce rumor] is completely bogus and lame because it makes her look like she’s abandoning him in his time of need. It’s totally wrong. His friends want to be supportive of them and of her.”

You may go ahead and believe whichever side to this story you want.

It does seem interesting that neither Kim nor Kanye would issue any kind of statement to shoot down divorce chatter, doesn’t it?

We respect their privacy. We understand that both stars need to remain underground for awhile, for the sake of their mental well-being.

But there’s no way they aren’t aware of this chatter.

Just come out with a joint statement, released through a publicist, and then continues on your respective breaks.

They are well needed and well deserved. But that would at least put these rumors to rest. 
