Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Voice Results: Who Won Season 11?!

Hundreds auditioned. Dozens were chosen. Twelve lasted until the live playoffs. Four made the season 11 finale and sang for their lives.

Only one could be named The Voice.

With the title up for grabs, it was clear going into this finale that the competition was really between Billy Gilman and Sundance Head. 

Their performances on Monday night solidified why they deserved to be in the final, while the other two kind of floundered. There really was no competition between the four. 

It’s just a shame that the final included two people that should not have been there in the first place. There were so many other deserving people that should have been there. 

It sucks when there’s a final that you can call before it even airs. It really takes the element of surprise out of the whole thing. 

Either way, let’s run down the results… 

Fourth Place

Josh Gallagher

Third Place

Wé McDonald

Second Place

Billy Gilman

First Place

Sundance Head

Yes, you guys, Sundance managed to eke out the victory over Billy. Sundance previously appeared on American Idol Season 6, so it’s clear he’s been in the singing business a long time. 

It’s great that after all these years he managed to win and show the world what he was made of. 

Congratulations, Sundance Head!

Another key development in the finale was the one that Miley Cyrus is continuing to work with Ali Caldwell and Aaron Gibson. 

Say what you want about the pop diva, but the fact she is continuing to help out the talent even after they have left the show is pretty amazing. 

Going into this season of The Voice, it was either going to go really well, or really bad for her.

Sure, she did not have an act in the final, but she showed off a side to herself that no one had ever witnessed. 

The Spring edition of the show will be very different without her, and we can’t wait until next Fall when she shows back up. 

That’s another season of The Voice in the can. What did you think of the winner?

Sound off below!
