Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Jessa Duggar Posts Baby Bump Comparison: Which is Which?

She has just six weeks to go until she’s a mother of two, and Jessa Duggar Seewald is showing off her (adorable) baby bump to prove it.

Pregnancy doesn’t look so good on everyone … but it sure does on Jessa, who looks positively gorgeous and glowing while with child:

Can you tell that one of these pics is from 2015?

To mark 34 weeks of pregnancy, Jessa shared the above comparison of her growing belly now compared to her pregnancy with son Spurgeon.

Little Spurge turned one on November 5.

The 24-year-old Counting On star donned a blue patterned sweater and long maxi-dress, in keeping with the Duggar fashion standards.

Jessa wrote, “first-second #34 weeks.”

In the photo showing her pregnant with her first child, Jessa wore a white t-shirt. A few weeks ago, the star posted a similar comparison:

In this case, the one on the left is 2015.

At 31 weeks, Jessa’s fans were quick to speculate on the sex of her child, with many believing that her body shape might hold a clue.

Does it look like she’s carrying the second baby any differently – and does that actually portend anything as far as the gender is concerned?

Debatable at best, but this is Duggar Nation, where the opinions and speculation are off the hook. Wrote one fan/pregnancy soothsayer:

“Carrying low!!! I’m guessing it’s a girl.”

Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t … but we can tell you all the months of talk of Jessa Duggar expecting twins looks like it was just that. Talk. 

She put that to rest with an ultrasound photo a few weeks back that clearly showed a single future sibling of Spurge inside her:

Jessa, who has been married to 21-year-old Ben Seewald for a little over two years, has expressed a desire to adopt children as well.

Arkansas strongly encourages couples to be married for two years before doing so, however, so they got a move on in the meantime.

As we said, pregnancy looks good on her – and she never ceases to be enamored, posting pics and videos of her burgeoning belly.

“Just as much awe and wonder on my part as I had with #1! It’s amazing to see #BabySeewald2 kicking and moving around,” she wrote.

“So thankful for this precious new life!”

Indeed, it is a truly beautiful thing.

The duo announced the happy news about their second child back in August after months of speculation that she was pregnant again. 

The appropriately hashtagged #BabySeewald2 is due in February and they have not revealed whether it will be a boy or a girl this time.

We were equally in the dark about Spurge.

Just as Jessa and her older sister Jill both welcomed their first children in 2015, both will be bringing a second into the world come 2017.

Jessa will beat Jill to it this time, though.

While there’s been talk that Jill Duggar is pregnant with twins, we would imagine she’s not going from 1-3 either … though their mom did.

It remains to be seen if Jinger will get in on the #DuggarNextGen baby boom, or if maligned Anna Duggar is pregnant with her fifth child.

Now that would be a story …
