Friday, December 16, 2016

Dr. Drew: Farrah Abraham is an Angry Porn Star!

Last week, we finally got to see the Farrah Abraham-Amber Portwood fight that MTV had been hyping for weeks.

In terms of over-the-top reality TV drama, the confrontation certainly lived up to expectations.

Unfortunately, its entertainment value has been dampened by some disheartening real-world consequences.

Several onlookers became involved in the scuffle, and Farrah’s father claims he was essentially crippled by Amber’s boyfriend, Matt Baier, who attacked him during the melee.

There’s been plenty of finger-pointing, with everyone from Amber to Simon Saran being blamed for the fight.

For his part, reunion show host Dr. Drew Pinksy isn’t saying that any one person is responsible, but he has made two things very clear:

He’s not to blame, and he’s not too crazy about Farrah.

On the latest episode of the podcast that he co-hosts with Adam Carolla, Pinsky explained the Farrah fight and the reaction that he received on social media.

When Carolla asked if Farrah is “the most famous of the Teen Moms,” Pinsky replied:

“Yeah, because she did porn and things and she’s, like, very, sort of, into drama let’s just say.”

Asked if Farrah is still doing any “adult whatever” in her career, Pinsky gave a response that many are interpreting as mild shade-throwing:

“No. She sees that as having been manipulated into it and really feels kind of bad about it but will do appearances as a result of it so I don’t know,” he stated.

“I don’t get into what’s going on there.”

Next, Pinsky described the fight and the aftermath in a way that seems critical of both the show’s production crew and its fans:

“[I was] Trying to stand between everybody and make sure their punches weren’t thrown or they didn’t land anything on each other,” Pinsky says.

“Security guards, I was so pissed, we had like five security guards who are just standing, “’Like, ok if it gets bad we’ll come in,’ and it was bad.

“So now I have to live through, I have to get rained upon essentially… 19 to 24-year-old women who are telling me how to do my job. That’s one of the most frustrating things you could ever read.”

“‘Please stop letting Farrah get away with her disgusting and rude behavior,"” Pinsky said, as though quoting a fan’s tweet.

“As if I were her doctor? As if I were the producer of the show? As if I could change her behavior magically by just being harsh to her?”

It’s not the first time Dr. Drew has been blamed for destructive behavior on the show, but based on his reaction it could be the last.

Already, Amber has claimed she’s quitting Teen Mom, and we wouldn’t be surprised if Pinksy joined her.
