Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Farrah Abraham"s Dad: Matt Baier CRIPPLED Me!

If you watched the Teen Mom: OG reunion show on Monday, then you’re aware that things got ugly between Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood.

Seriously, violently ugly.

News of the Farrah vs. Amber fight first emerged back in October when the special was filmed, but it wasn’t until this week that we saw it.

We had seen the sneak previews and read the dispatches from the set, but not even that prepared us for how nasty the onstage throwdown became.

At one point, the men in Farrah and Amber’s lives got involved, as Michael Abraham (Farrah’s dad) and Matt Baier (Amber’s fiance) squared off.

Incidentally, Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran, for all his trolling and trash talking online and on camera, apparently chose to sit this one out.

We imagine if you watch the footage frame-by-frame, he can be spotted sheepishly handing over his Man Card to the authorities.

Just saying. Anyway, Amber claims MTV edited the scene in such a way that important details were omitted from the broadcast.

But was it?

Michael Abraham agrees, but he believes that what was left out was something even more significant – the brutality of Baier’s attack on him.

In a recent interview with Radar, Farrah’s dad claimed that Baier left him so severely injured that he’s been unable to work in the aftermath.

It’s been months since the episode was filmed at this point.

“I’m still under treatment and on worker’s comp,” he said.

“I’m a disabled vet, he destroyed my hearing aid. Matt didn’t know the can of worms he opened when he hit me.”

Michael wears a hearing aid?

Obviously, if that’s even partially true, it’s decidedly not cool.

And it gives us yet another reason to hate Matt Baier.

But TBF, we’re having a hard time believing that Baier really dealt out a Scorsese-esque ass-whupping in presence of dozens of others.

Not only was this a scuffle that lasted all of about 45 seconds, but there were no rumors of criminal action or even out of control violence by Matt.

In any case, the fight began when host and professional drama queen Dr. Drew Pinsky asked Farrah and Simon about Saran’s accusations.

Specifically, that Baier is a pedophile

Rather than diplomatically backing away from her boyfriend’s stance, Farrah doubled-down, insisting that Baier “looks like” a child molester.

It was a messed-up thing to say.

For a number of reasons, really – not the least of which is that there are so many legitimate reasons to hate Baier, why resort to name-calling?

It’s really unnecessary to make stuff up about the guy, and calling someone a child molester, of all things, when they aren’t is disgusting.

Anyway, Amber rightfully took exception to Farrah’s remarks and she literally came out swinging in the reunion brawl seen ‘round the world.

Did we mention that Simon – who basically started all this – just stood there the whole time? Yet continues to troll his adversaries online?

Although, the tension between them may have started way back when Baier tried to bang Farrah before he started hooking up with Amber.

Baier, as you know if you watch Teen Mom OG online or follow its stars on Twitter, is basically a fanboy who tried to get with a cast member.

Somehow, he succeeded on the third try (Farrah and Jenelle Evans may have dodged a bullet with this one, in retrospect).

Again, there’s really plenty of reason to strongly dislike everyone involved, with the possible exception of poor Michael.

Then again, he did help bring Farrah into the world …
