Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Angelina Jolie MELTS DOWN Over Christmas: Find Out Why!

According to a new report, Angelina Jolie did not have a merry Christmas.

And it doesn’t sound like she’s about to have a happy new year, either.

Despite the actress having taken issue with Brad Pitt being permitted to spend time with his kids over this holiday season, a court-appointed therapist gave the visit her blessing earlier this month.

As a result, Pitt was at least allowed to see Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Vivienne and Knox on Christmas.

It’s unclear if Maddox and Pax accepted the invitation to be with their dad.

But we can confirm that Pitt and the other four kids at least hung out this week.

And Jolie supposedly flipped out in response.

Describing the former Oscar winner as “furious” over her estranged husband seeing any of his children, an insider expounded on the situation to In Touch Weekly as follows:

“She’s having a meltdown. She can’t believe it’s happening. After being told that the kids were cleared to visit Brad at his house she tried to change the terms and have the visit at her home.

“But she was firmly told no. And that made her furious.”

Jolie and Pitt have been locked in a fairly ugly battle ever since the former filed for divorce on September 19.

At the time, various outlets reported that Jolie believed Pitt to be an unfit father.

Specifically, there was some kind of incident between Pitt and 15-year old Maddox on board a private airplane just four days prior to the filing.

It seems clear at this point that Pitt was drunk and yelling at Maddox, but the actor was also accused of getting physical with his son; an accusation that has since been shot down.

But other reports allege that issues between Jolie and Pitt go back years.

One source recently went back to 2014 and said Jolie tried to “steal attention” from Pitt at the Academy Awards that year, jealous over all the attention he was receiving due to his role in 12 Years a Slave.

Does this sound like a way Angelina Jolie would react?

Yes, according to some of her critics.

Rumors aside, however, it’s undeniable that the stars are agreeing on very little in court.

Jolie wants primary custody of the children. Pitt has filed for joint custody. There’s no end in sight to this legal fight.

“Brad and Angelina are continuing their court battle, with Brad wanting joint custody of their six children and Angelina insisting on sole custody,” writes In Touch.

The tabloid continues:

“Brad filed papers this week wanting everything sealed and attacking Angelina for making details of their battle public, claiming it would hurt the children.

“One of those details was Angelina naming the therapists who are treating the children.

“But this [was] a big victory for Brad as Angelina didn’t even want the kids to see him on Christmas.”

Is it really, though? Can we really call anything a “victory” when it involves the parents of six kids yelling, screaming and arguing?

Neither Jolie nor Pitt has said much of anything since their divorce news went viral in September.

Representatives for both have released broad, vague statements at times, but we’re left to wonder and speculate in the absence of anything concrete from Pitt and Jolie themselves.

We can only hope they remember how a bunch of young kids are at the center of this mess and that, in the long run, they do what is best for their children.

Isn’t that the most important thing here?
