Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Arrested AGAIN?!

Nathan Griffith, as we’ve learned time and time again (and then a few more times after that), is really just the worst.

Are there any redeeming qualities at all in this guy?

Judging by the way he seems to love driving drunk, his habit of (allegedly!) choking girlfriends, and everything he’s ever said, we’re guessing not.

We’ve been talking about Nathan quite a bit lately, mostly because his behavior has been so worrisome that Jenelle Evans is seeking sole custody of their two-year-old son, Kaiser.

And then, early on Monday morning, Nathan’s ex-girlfriend, Jessica Henry, filed a police report in which she claimed that Nathan had choked her.

Her roommate confirmed that she had seen Nathan pinning Jessica to her bed, and Jessica said that she was in “extreme pain” and that he was choking her so hard she couldn’t breathe.

Jessica and her roomie had called the police, but Nathan left before they arrived, leaving him a “wanted” person.

Now we’re learning that yesterday afternoon, he was arrested and taken to a detention center.

But it’s not what you think!

According to the Myrtle Beach police report, officers got a call from someone who gave them Nathan’s location. Since he’s apparently got active felony warrants — yes, that’s warrants, as in more than one — they went out to the address.

Nobody was home, but the cops hung out for a little bit, and a few minutes later, Nathan pulled up. And that’s when things got interesting.

Nathan was in the passenger seat, and the report states that he reeked of booze. After a quick little look, police found a brown bag with two opened airplane bottles of vodka and a larger opened bottle of vodka.

When he talked to the officers, this ol’ goof-ass here also gave them a fake name.

Both of those things are illegal, and so Nathan was taken to jail for having an open container in a vehicle and for giving false information.

Interestingly enough, a warrant was issued for the choking incident with Jessica, but as of this morning, she still hasn’t filed charges.

And so, it seems, the sad cycle continues.

It seems a little foolish at this point, but hopefully yet another arrest will do something to inspire Nathan to get whatever help he needs.

Drinking vodka in cars, assaulting the people you’re supposed to love, potentially losing custody of your kid to Jenelle Evans … this is just not the way to live a good life.
