Friday, December 16, 2016

Blac Chyna Breaks Down Over Birth: I"m SO Scared!

It"s not easy giving birth.

Just ask any mother.

Heck, ask any father who has been in the room while his significant other is bringing a human being into the world. It"s a lot of work!

For Blac Chyna, however, it was also a lot of scary work because she entered the hospital last month and was told that she would have to have a C-Section.

Yes, this meant that her vagina would remain intact. But it also meant she would be undergoing pretty extensive surgery.

In this following clip from Sunday"s Rob & Chyna Baby Special on E!, Rob Kardashian"s fiancée can"t help but to burst into tears over the prospect of having a baby in this manner.

"For some reason I"m so scared," Chyna admits to the camera. "I just cannot get this C-section off of my mind."

It"s understandable, really. We have no idea how we"d react if we were in this situation.

We know, of course, that Chyna eventually gives birth to a daughter named Dream Kardashian and that everyone is now happy and healthy.

But this clip sheds some light on the events that led to this child"s existence.


Blac chyna breaks down over c section im so scared