Thursday, December 8, 2016

Rihanna: I Don"t Hate Beyonce! Sheesh!

Rihanna would like to set the record straight.

About her alleged hook-up with Prince Harry?

No. Mostly because we made up the rumor that she and Harry might get together in a romantic/naked sense.

Instead, Rihanna is here to say something about her alleged rivalry with Beyonce. And that something is this:

There is no rivalry with Beyonce.

Moreover, it’s annoying and unhealthy for fans of either artist to think otherwise.

This topic was once again broached this week after the list of 2017 Grammy nominations was announced on Monday.

In response to the rundown of artists and albums, one Instagram user was dissatisfied with Rihanna having only received eight nominations, most notable because she is NOT up for either Album of the Year or Song of the Year.

These are two of the most important categories at the Grammys each year.

The Rihanna fan didn’t merely voice a complaint, however.

She alluded to Beyonce, implying that Grammy voters showed purposeful bias toward Queen Bey in snubbing Rihanna from these categories.

And Rihanna simply wasn’t having it.

As you can see below in a screen shot of the original social media message and Rihanna’s subsequent reply, she tried to put an end to all talk of a feud between her and Beyonce.

“I wish y’all would drop this topic and see things from the bigger picture!” the 28-year old singer wrote, adding:

“We don’t need to be putting black women against each other! We deserve to be celebrated, and the Grammy Academy agrees!”

It’s true.

It’s silly to talk about snubs in general, really… but Rihanna was nominated EIGHT times!

The comment came after Rihanna actually Liked the Instagram image, which depicted the superstar wearing a Carnival outfit and the words “SHOOK” – with her boobs creating the “OO” because of course – leading some social media users to believe she agreed with the caption.

She felt a need to clarify that she did not.

“F-ck them because they snubbed her,” the user wrote as said caption.

“I think they didn’t want her tied or passing someone else *cough cough.*”

In her reply, Rihanna wrote:

“I never actually read your caption, thought the pic was funny and moved right along! I’m pretty af, yes. But this is just unnecessary!”

It really is. There’s no reason to start beef where there is no beef.

Now… Taylor Swift helping Drake get revenge against Rihanna?!?

There’s some real beef.

