Thursday, December 8, 2016

Fifty Shades Darker: The Sexiest GIFs So Far!

Yesterday, we had the immense pleasure of seeing the new trailer for Fifty Shades Darker, the action-packed, drama-filled, sex-tastic sequel to the massive hit, Fifty Shades of Grey.

And oh, the feelings we had …

In Fifty Shades Darker, our heroine, Anastasia Steele, starts off feeling a little freaked out by Christian Grey"s freakiness, but so much hardship ends up bringing them back together.

And there"s also the sex. We can never, ever forget that.

Hey, when you find a guy who leaves butt plugs out for his maid to sanitize and who will actually reach inside your vagina to pull out your tampon so you can have period sex, you hold on and never let go, right?

But even though we"re still so excited from seeing the trailer, it will still be a couple of long, hard, lonely months until the actual movie comes out.

So you probably want to check out these magical GIFs from the trailer in the meantime, right?

1. Christian Grey Has Many Muscles

Christian grey has many muscles

Yes, Christian Grey has several issues, but he probably has more muscles! You can see at least a dozen or so in this GIF. Not that you’ll be counting though, right? Of course not — everybody knows brains don’t work properly around sexy sadists!


Shower sex

This is one scene that’s sure to inspire emotion in literally everyone. Either you’re way into it for the obvious reasons, you pervs, you’re interested in getting a close look at Christian’s ridiculously huge shower, or you care about the environement. The least they could do is take their clothes off so they could actually bathe too, you know.

3. Christian Grey Actually Feels A Feeling!

Christian grey actually feels a feeling

We know, we know, Christian is “50 shades of f-cked up,” but check out the little guy here! In this very special moment, you see that Anastasia is changing him, that she has helped him to develop the ability to smile. Romance!

4. Oh No, A Helicopter Crash!

Oh no a helicopter crash

Hey, being sexy isn’t only about genitals and feelings! Intense action can also be sexy, and if you don’t think Mr. Grey himself crashing a damn helicopter is sexy, then check yourself.

5. Boats Are Magical

Boats are magical

Look at Christian’s smile, guys, and Anastasia’s look of total pleasure. Did she see a dolphin? She probably saw a dolphin. HOT.

6. The Old-Fashioned Elevator Grope

The old fashioned elevator grope

Because what’s sexier than being in a small, enclosed space full of strangers, you know? Like, can you think of a BETTER place for your emotionally damaged and controlling boyfriend to grab himself a handful of you? We’ll wait.

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