Monday, December 12, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Amber Portwood and Catelynn Lowell Can Learn from Me!

Farrah Abraham is as delusional as the day is long.

And if there’s any doubt … just kidding, of course there isn’t any doubt that Farrah is delusional. Facts are facts, you know.

But just in case there’s any confusion about exactly how confused this girl is, all you have to do is look at literally anything she’s ever said.

For example, you can check out this latest thing she said about her Teen Mom OG costars.

She kicked off her latest act of obnoxiousness by sharing this clip from tonight’s Unseen Moments special for Teen Mom.

The clip shows Farrah getting into a shouting match with her neighbors for no apparent reason. She’s aggressive and mean and dumb, just like always.

The saddest part though is when Farrah’s daughter, seven-year-old Sophia, hears her mother yelling and cheers her on.

The poor kid actually called Farrah “the best mama in the world.”

While the Farrah footage plays, we see the other moms — Amber Portwood, Catelynn Lowell, and Maci Bookout — reacting to the horror.

Amber Portwood in particular had strong feelings about the clip, which, by the way, MTV titled “No One Wins When You’re Neighbors with Farrah.”

After she shared all this on Twitter, Farrah added “No one wins in general against me like miss piggy imitation but the stooges watch my reruns and unseen moments.”

So not only is she bringing back the comparison of Amber and Miss Piggy — the one that Amber admitted she kind of appreciated, by the way — she also called the other moms “stooges.”

She even added “Amber&catlynn take notes on how to be a good mom & a full time mother you need all the help you can get. #proudmom @sophialabraham [heart emoji]’s me.”

After that, she tacked on not one, not two, but three laughing emojis.

OK, so by “Amber&catlynn,” we’re going to assume she meant Amber and Catelynn — and she’s actually telling them to “take notes on how to be a good mom” from her?

Boy, this is rich.

One, Farrah is a terrible mother, as she’s proven time and time again. She showed it in the clip that started this whole mess.

And two, what is she trying to say with that “full time mother” jab?

Amber doesn’t have primary custody of her daughter, Leah, but that doesn’t make her a bad mother, and Catelynn is raising her kid, Nova, right along with her husband, Tyler Baltierra, so that doesn’t even make sense.

Also, doesn’t Farrah leave Sophia with her parents all the time so she can go make “sex tapes” or whatever? Didn’t she leave Sophia for weeks just so she could film Celebrity Big Brother?

But hey, let’s not waste time trying to find logic on Farrah’s Twitter account.

Instead, let’s check out Catelynn’s wonderful response to the madness.

“Huh so she thinks she’s a better mom than me or @AmberLPortwood,” she tweeted. “She’s way more delusional than I thought! #thanksforthelaugh #take notes”

Thanks for the laugh, indeed.
