Lena Dunham likes to speak her mind.
She also likes to make jokes.
And this combination has gotten the Girls actress/creator in trouble on multiple occasions, prompting apology after apology.
Click through the following examples of times Dunham has stepped into some scalding hot water with the public. (NOTE: Click on each headline for more on each story.)
1. Lena Dunham Jokes About Muslims
Lena Dunham wore a scarf like a hijab in 2012, cracking wise about her post “nap” look and later having to apologize. Click the headline above for more.
2. And She Supports Kim Kardashian
Did she buy the selfie book ironically? Probably. But that still means she gave Kim money.
3. And She Drew the Wrath of Beliebers
Dunham may not have been wrong about Bieber seemingly talking about date rape, but she angered quite a few young women in the process here.
4. And She Trivilaized Domestic Violence
It sucks to get beat up online. It sucks a lot more to get beat up in real life.
5. And She Went Too Far with Bill Cosby
Cosby SUCKS, don’t get us wrong. But what he (allegedly?) did to all those women was not akin to the Holocaust.
6. And She Apologized for a Sexual Molestation Scandal
Which started as the result of a story she told in her memoir about her sister’s vagina.
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