Sunday, December 4, 2016

Jennifer Aniston Reprises Her Friends Role on SNL!!!!!!

Sit back, relax, and get ready to have some laughs and feel some feelings …

Because hey, do you remember this old television show called Friends?

You may have seen it from time to time, it"s only one of the most popular sitcoms of all time, if not the most popular, no big deal.

One of the biggest stars on the show, if you need some help refreshing your memory, was Jennifer Aniston.

And if you really need some help, then go ahead and check out this seriously beautiful clip from last night"s episode of Saturday Night Live.

In the clip, Vanessa Bayer does her brilliant impersonation of Jennifer"s Friends character, Rachel.

And as if that wasn"t lovely enough, she"s joined by Jennifer herself in a very surprise appearance.

nterestingly enough, Jennifer had just said a few days earlier that there would never be an actual Friends reunion.

"I don"t know what we would do," she explained. "I think that period of time was sort of nostalgic, you know?"

"There was something about a time where our faces weren"t shoved into cell phones and we weren"t, like checking Facebooks and Instagram, and we were in a room together, or at a coffee shop together, and we were talking."

"And we"ve lost that."

It makes sense.

So really, this video might be the closest thing we"ll ever get to new Friends footage for the rest of our lives.

Enjoy it!

Jennifer aniston reprises her friends role on snl