Friday, December 16, 2016

Omarosa Manigault Actually Joins Donald Trump Transition Team

Earlier this week, Donald Trump met with Kanye West.

The media, of course, flipped out, with ABC actually leading a national news broadcast with a story about the President-Elect and the rapper… because there’s no hope remaining for mankind.

But Omarosa Manigault also stopped by Trump Tower this week – and the result of her hang with Trump was far more disturbing than anything The Donald discussed with the irritating artist.


Because Omarosa has been made an official member of Team Trump.

A contestant on the first season of The Apprentice and an unabashed Donald Trump supporter ever since, Omarosa was one of reality TV’s first legitimate villains.

She later returned for a season of Celebrity Apprentice, only being considered a “celebrity” because she pissed so many people off during her initial Apprentice run.

She pretty much sucks as a person.

And she has now been placed on the President-Elect’s transition executive committee, joining the likes of Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Peter Thiel and a host of other loyal backers.

It’s unclear just what her role will be, and it’s unclear what qualifies Omarosa to have any role in any political capacity.

But when the President-To-Be is flipping out publicly over a bad restaurant review, how are we to make sense of anything the guy says or does?

Omarosa was photographed in Trump Tower on Tuesday afternoon after former NFL stars Jim Brown and Ray Lewis met with Trump to talk about urban development and job creation issues.

She began working with Trump’s campaign this summer as his director of African-American outreach and made some news during the election her fiery, pointed comments.

About his enemies, for example, she said the following:

“Mr. Trump has a long memory and we’re keeping a list.”

Which is really the exact sort of personality type one wants in the leader of the free world, someone who is vengeful, petty and insecure.

Other additions to the Trump transition team include:

– Amata Coleman Radewagen, American Samoa’s delegate to the House.

– Sheriff Butch Anderson of Dutchess County, NY.

– Oracle CEO Safra Catz.

– And also several New York Republicans: Tom Dadey; Nick Langworthy; Mike McCormack; Joe Mondello; and former Rep. John Sweeney.

On Twitter on Thursday, Omarosa referred to Trump as the “great unifer.”

So at least she hasn’t lost her sense of humor.
