Showing posts with label Transition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transition. Show all posts

Saturday, October 28, 2017

"For You I Will" Singer Teddy Geiger Announces Transition

Teddy Geiger — the singer/songwriter best known for the 2006 ballad “For You I Will” — just let the world know … he’s started the process of transitioning to a woman. Geiger made the announcement by responding to a fan’s question on social…


Monday, April 10, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: My Transition Into a Woman is COMPLETE!

Back when Caitlyn Jenner made her debut on the cover of Vanity Fair, the Olympian-turned-reality-star was widely applauded for her bravery in coming out as transgender.

In the months that followed, however, Jenner squandered much of that goodwill by continuing to voice far-right-wing political beliefs, even as the candidates that she supported threatened the rights and safety of the trans community.

Adding to her image crisis is Caitlyn’s highly-publicized falling out with her family, several members of which feel Catilyn portrayed them negatively in her first post-transition interviews.

These days, Caitlyn is in full damage control mode, and she’s reportedly hoping that her forthcoming memoir will help her win back some of her former supporters.

Jenner says the book reveals aspects of her transition that even her biggest fans aren’t aware of.

In one of the memoir’s biggest bombshells, Caitlyn reveals that she underwent gender reassignment surgery in January of 2017.

“The surgery was a success, and I feel not only wonderful but liberated,” Caitlyn writes.

She goes on to say that she doesn’t plan to discuss the matter in any future interviews:

“I am telling you because I believe in candor,” she explains.

“So all of you can stop staring. You want to know, so now you know. Which is why this is the first time, and the last time, I will ever speak of it.”

Early in the book, Caitlyn writes about being wary of the procedure due to the health risks involved.

“I just want to have all the right parts,” she tells readers.

“I am also tired of tucking the damn thing in all the time.”

Despite her initial reservations, Caitlyn says these days she couldn’t be happier with her decision to go through with it:

“I am going to live authentically for the first time in my life,” she recalls thinking just after the surgery was completed.

“I am going to have an enthusiasm for life that I have not had in 39 years since the Olympics, almost two thirds of my life.”

Caitlyn’s memoir, The Secrets of My Life, will hit bookstores on April 25.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Omarosa Manigault Actually Joins Donald Trump Transition Team

Earlier this week, Donald Trump met with Kanye West.

The media, of course, flipped out, with ABC actually leading a national news broadcast with a story about the President-Elect and the rapper… because there’s no hope remaining for mankind.

But Omarosa Manigault also stopped by Trump Tower this week – and the result of her hang with Trump was far more disturbing than anything The Donald discussed with the irritating artist.


Because Omarosa has been made an official member of Team Trump.

A contestant on the first season of The Apprentice and an unabashed Donald Trump supporter ever since, Omarosa was one of reality TV’s first legitimate villains.

She later returned for a season of Celebrity Apprentice, only being considered a “celebrity” because she pissed so many people off during her initial Apprentice run.

She pretty much sucks as a person.

And she has now been placed on the President-Elect’s transition executive committee, joining the likes of Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Peter Thiel and a host of other loyal backers.

It’s unclear just what her role will be, and it’s unclear what qualifies Omarosa to have any role in any political capacity.

But when the President-To-Be is flipping out publicly over a bad restaurant review, how are we to make sense of anything the guy says or does?

Omarosa was photographed in Trump Tower on Tuesday afternoon after former NFL stars Jim Brown and Ray Lewis met with Trump to talk about urban development and job creation issues.

She began working with Trump’s campaign this summer as his director of African-American outreach and made some news during the election her fiery, pointed comments.

About his enemies, for example, she said the following:

“Mr. Trump has a long memory and we’re keeping a list.”

Which is really the exact sort of personality type one wants in the leader of the free world, someone who is vengeful, petty and insecure.

Other additions to the Trump transition team include:

– Amata Coleman Radewagen, American Samoa’s delegate to the House.

– Sheriff Butch Anderson of Dutchess County, NY.

– Oracle CEO Safra Catz.

– And also several New York Republicans: Tom Dadey; Nick Langworthy; Mike McCormack; Joe Mondello; and former Rep. John Sweeney.

On Twitter on Thursday, Omarosa referred to Trump as the “great unifer.”

So at least she hasn’t lost her sense of humor.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner "Regrets" Her Transition?!?!

This is so ridiculous that it’s almost offensive.

Star Magazine‘s latest cover story has Caitlyn Jenner wanting to go back to being Bruce.

“Caitlyn wanted to be a woman her whole life, but now that it’s happened, she’s disappointed,” a source claims.

“Caitlyn is really thinking twice about the decisions she made to get to this point.”

The publication is likely referencing the backlash Jenner has received from certain LGBT groups who claim she’s a terrible role model for transgender youths.

When Jenner appeared on Ellen, she wavered on the issue of gay marriage, which shocked DeGeneres.

“In many ways, actually, things have become worse for her,” the source said.  “Caitlyn is starting to wonder if she hasn’t made a gigantic mistake.”

The story also claims that Caitlyn remains attracted to women, which is really putting a damper on her romantic life.

“She does not want to date men and is still deeply attracted to women, but not many women are comfortable dating a woman who used to be a man — especially as high-profile as Caitlyn.”

And in news that is none of our business, Caitlyn may have kept her man parts.

“Caitlyn has always played it coy when people ask if she’s had her genitals altered, but the truth is she wants to remain a man, at least in that sense. It’s just not a step she’s been ready to take.”

This is…how did this get past a legal team?

“Transitioning hasn’t given her the life she thought it would. She even told her kids: ‘I hate being a woman! I feel ugly, but as Bruce I used to be so handsome and happy."” 


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Kris Jenner Reportedly A "Shadow Of Her Former Self" & Might "Never Recover" From Caitlyn Jenner"s Transition

We knew that Kris Jenner was struggling to adjust to life after Caitlyn Jenner‘s transition, but she reportedly “just hasn’t been the same” since her ex publicly came out as transgender.

Related: Caitlyn’s Ex Linda Thompson Is Also Adjusting!

Sources say the 59-year-old is a complete wreck now, explaining:

“She never smiles anymore. Before she would always be the life and soul of any gathering, bringing people out of their shells, smoothing over any arguments among her kids and adding a real sparkle to any occasion.”

We imagine it must have been difficult for her, considering how long she and the former Olympian were together. But an insider reveals that she’s fallen into what seems like a depression:

“She can barely summon up the energy to lift up her martini glass.”

Another source says that the momager used to be really concerned about certain things, but now it’s like they don’t matter anymore:

“She’d have never let her daughters Kim [Kardashian West] and Kourtney [Kardashian] sit there at the dinner table on their phones once upon a time. Now it’s like she’s given up and just couldn’t be bothered anymore.”

Additionally, a close pal feels as though Kris “just doesn’t seem to care” and has “lost interest in everything,” saying:

“Kris is deflated, defeated and getting increasingly down in the dumps. She just can’t reconcile the fact that this glamorous woman used to be her masculine Olympic-hero husband — and is now getting unfairly compared to her in every way. Poor Kris is a shadow of her former self and it seems she’ll never recover from this.”


We really hope the Kardashian-Jenner matriarch is okay, and that she starts to feel better soon!

[Image via Michael Wright/WENN.]

Monday, September 28, 2015

Kardashian Sisters Have A Hard Time Handling Caitlyn"s Transition & Kris Breaks Down On Latest KUWTK — Watch HERE!

Change is never easy.

Though last night’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians started out with Kim Kardashian West and her husband Kanye West‘s trip to Armenia and Jerusalem where they baptized their daughter North West,with Khloé Kardashian looking on — a lot of the focus was on the reality stars adjusting to Caitlyn Jenner‘s transition.

After the trio returned from their trip abroad — where Kanye performed a free concert in Armenia — Khloé sat down with Kendall Jenner and chatted it up about Caitlyn’s transition, both agreeing that it would be a “process” for them dealing with it.

Related: Kendall Jenner Shows Her Sisterly Love With A Throwback Pic Of Her And Big Bro Rob Kardashian!

Kylie Jenner had her own problems as she was preparing to attend the Billboard Music Awards, which just happened to take place the same night as About Bruce, Caitlyn’s KUWTK special. Since the 18-year-old was sure to get questions from the media, she didn’t quite know how to handle them.

After getting advice from Kim to stick close to Kendall, Kylie ultimately ditched the media as she felt faint because she got nervous when Kendall got busy working Kylie couldn’t stay with her.

They weren’t the only ones having a rough of it as as Kris Jenner was “really having a tough time.”

Related: Kendall Jenner On Caitlyn Jenner Being Transgender: ‘I’ve Known Since I Was A Kid’

She even started taking piano lesson with Kim to try and focus on the more positive things in her life!

The real emotion came when Kim swung by Kris’ house to drop of clothes that belonged to Caitlyn before the transition. While sorting through clothes, Kris broke down and Kim did her best to comfort her. Kris then revealed a bit about what she’s going through and how hard the whole situation has been on her (below).

What a wild and emotional week! We just hope the Kardashian women continue to lean on each other for help and support in time of need!

[Image via E!.]