Monday, April 10, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: My Transition Into a Woman is COMPLETE!

Back when Caitlyn Jenner made her debut on the cover of Vanity Fair, the Olympian-turned-reality-star was widely applauded for her bravery in coming out as transgender.

In the months that followed, however, Jenner squandered much of that goodwill by continuing to voice far-right-wing political beliefs, even as the candidates that she supported threatened the rights and safety of the trans community.

Adding to her image crisis is Caitlyn’s highly-publicized falling out with her family, several members of which feel Catilyn portrayed them negatively in her first post-transition interviews.

These days, Caitlyn is in full damage control mode, and she’s reportedly hoping that her forthcoming memoir will help her win back some of her former supporters.

Jenner says the book reveals aspects of her transition that even her biggest fans aren’t aware of.

In one of the memoir’s biggest bombshells, Caitlyn reveals that she underwent gender reassignment surgery in January of 2017.

“The surgery was a success, and I feel not only wonderful but liberated,” Caitlyn writes.

She goes on to say that she doesn’t plan to discuss the matter in any future interviews:

“I am telling you because I believe in candor,” she explains.

“So all of you can stop staring. You want to know, so now you know. Which is why this is the first time, and the last time, I will ever speak of it.”

Early in the book, Caitlyn writes about being wary of the procedure due to the health risks involved.

“I just want to have all the right parts,” she tells readers.

“I am also tired of tucking the damn thing in all the time.”

Despite her initial reservations, Caitlyn says these days she couldn’t be happier with her decision to go through with it:

“I am going to live authentically for the first time in my life,” she recalls thinking just after the surgery was completed.

“I am going to have an enthusiasm for life that I have not had in 39 years since the Olympics, almost two thirds of my life.”

Caitlyn’s memoir, The Secrets of My Life, will hit bookstores on April 25.
