Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Has She Secretly Given Birth to Her Third Child?!

For about the past nine months now, Teen Mom 2 fans have been obsessing over every detail of Kailyn Lowry’s personal life.

Obviously, a certain segment of the show’s audience is always obsessed with Kail’s personal life, but the scrutiny has been more intense than ever since we learned that Lowry is pregnant with her third child.

Part of the reason for fixation is that Kailyn has been secretive about many of the details of her pregnancy, and she’s keeping her lips lock as her due date approaches.

As a result, many TM2 fans have been combing through her social media pages for clues that “Baby Lo” is on his or her way.

And now, they think they may have found the clue they’ve been looking for.

At around 8 pm last, Kailyn tweeted simply, “Goodbye,” and it soon became the most divisive one-word tweet since Donald Trump’s “covfefe.”

Hundreds are convinced that it was Kailyn’s subtle way of saying that she’s off to the hospital to welcome Baby Lo.

Hundreds of others are convinced that fans are reading way too much into the tweet, and that Kailyn is just having a little fun trolling her fans in the final days of her pregnancy.

Others insist that she would never do such a thing, and that she’s certain to inform fans in a clear and concise fashion when she’s headed into labor … as though she has any obligation to do so.

Our guess?

Well, the tweet could mean anything, but given how secretive Kailyn’s been throughout her pregnancy, we’re assuming that if and when she does inform fans that she’s headed to the hospital, it’ll be with avague communique like this one.

After all, this is the same woman who initially went to great pains to hide the fact that she’s pregnant at all.

When the truth came out, Kailyn refused to ideal the identity of her baby daddy for several months.

It was only after the Internet had already basically figured it out that she revealed it was Chris Lopez who got her pregnant.

After that, fans clamored for information about the name and gender of Kailyn’s baby, she gave no ground there.

Though in fairness, that’s because she wants to be surprised by the gender and has yet to pick out a name.

All in all, it sounds like it’s exhausting to be Kailyn these days, and the baby hasn’t even arrived yet.

Soon, she won’t be getting much sleep, but at least some of her more obnoxious fans will hopefully ease off.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the never-boring life of Kailyn Lowry.
