Monday, July 10, 2017

Jill Duggar: First Photo of Baby Samuel Shared on Instagram!

Over the weekend, we reported the exciting news that Jill Duggar had welcomed her second child, a boy named Samuel Scott Dillard.

After 40 hours of labor, Samuel entered the world via C-section, tipping the scales at a healthy 9 pounds, 10 ounces.

Often, celebrities are cagey about sharing the first photos of their new offspring, but Jill and husband Derick Dillard apparently wanted fans to share in their joy as soon as possible.

That’s Derick with his and Jill’s newest bundle of joy.

Derick also took to his family’s official website to excitedly announce baby Sam’s arrival:

“We are excited to finally announce the arrival of Samuel Scott Dillard,” he wrote.

He went on to thank fans for their “continued prayers and support.”

Jill’s first delivery, in which she welcomed now 2-year-old Israel Dillard into the world, was also a marathon affair.

We guess it’s no surprise that Jill has talked about adoption in the past!

We kid, of course.

The real reason that Jill and Derick have discussed expanding their family through adoption is that the couple has spent much of the past two years performing missionary work in Central America.

They’ve visited orphanages in some of the region’s most impoverished villages, and say that as parents, the often deplorable conditions broke their hearts. 

So one day, Izzy and Sam may be joined by a foreign-born brother or sister.

But for now, we’re guessing Jill and Derick have their hands full.

Jill has not posted to social media since giving birth, but sources say both she and Sam are at home and resting comfortably.

And as you can see from the photo, Derick is clearly overjoyed at becoming a father for the second time.

There’s no word yet on if or when the family plans to return to El Salvador to continue working with families there.

It seems like it would be a lot to transport two young children to a foreign naiton where they have little in terms of support network.

But Jill and Derick wasted no time in jetting back to the Central American nation following the birth of Israel, and we’re guessing once Sam is old enough to travel, they’ll resume their humanitarian efforts.

For now, we hope they’re just enjoying the moment, surrounded by family.

Our sincere congrats go out to Jill and Derick.
