Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kim Kardashian Responds to Outrage Over Putting North in a Corset!

Kim Kardashian was spotted with her adorable daughter North West in New York. This is the same New York trip that saw Kim Kardashian shutting down rumors that she uses cocaine, so it"s already been pretty eventful.

The thing is that when people spotted North, she appeared to be wearing a tan corset over her mango colored dress. North West is four years old, which is absolutely too young to wear a corset. By, like, a decade.

Kim made a video specifically to address the controversy and, as with the "cocaine incident," is clearly hoping to explain it away. You can watch the video below:

North west turns 4 with kim kardashian

Understandably, when people spotted what appeared to be a four-year-old girl wearing a corset, they flipped out a little.

Mommy-shamers live for that kind of thing, but this is one of those times where people who normally don"t care how people"s kids dress piled on, because that seems super unhealthy.

Corsets, if you"ll remember, squeeze the torso to give the wearer a more pronounced hourglass figure.

When applicable, they also give a boost to boobs while providing some support.

They can go under or over clothing and come in plenty of different styles.

Hell, sometimes teenagers make them out of duct tape (with no adhesive sides touching skin!).

But none of the many versions should be worn by a four-year-old.

And the response was so vocal that Kim Kardashian certainly caught wind of it.

North west corset 1

In response, one might say that Kim Kardashian is dropping hints that she didn"t actually put North in a corset.

By explicitly stating that she didn"t put North in a corset.

Thus, the video that she tweeted out.

And, just in case people didn"t watch the video …

(Where she shows off the garment and goes into detail)

… Kim included text in the tweet in the hopes of shutting down the mommy-shamers.

"I would never put my daughter in a corset!"

Don"t worry — she explains.

Sort of.

"It"s a dress I bought that is a cotton fabric that laces up & looks like a corset!"

You"ll see in the video.

(Though, really, even when North was spotted in New York, the "corset" didn"t look tight)

Kim also offers an explanation for what it was doing on the garment.

"Just decoration."

North west corset 2

She also speaks during the video while she manipulates the garment with her hand so that people can understand how it works more clearly.

"And, The Daily Mail, this one"s for you."

That"s a polite version of calling them out.

"This dress, that I did not design, and I actually bought … is not a corset."

Nice to know that Kim doesn"t just steal from designers — as some of her siblings have been accused of doing.

"It"s just fabric on the front that looks like a [corset]."

It"s an odd choice, but clearly, Kim likes it.

"So, I think it"s really cute."

Then she tells us something that she"s already told us.

"I bought it from a designer."

And she closes the video with a bit of reassurance.

"And it"s just fabric, people. It"s not a real corset."

North west corset 3

It"s an odd choice, but Kim"s right — it does look kind of cute.

Especially if somebody has a daughter who wants to wear more grownup clothes but absolutely should not wear a corset.

It"s not like this was, like, a faux thong sticking up from the back of North"s pants or anything like that.

Corsets used to be commonplace and they aren"t inherently sexual.

If North West had been wearing one, it might have been unsafe.

But a fake one?

That"s mostly fine.

But we"re glad that Kim took the time to explain it with this video:

Kim kardashian responds to outrage over putting north in a corse