Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Javi Marroquin & Lauren Comeau: Dating!

Sometime in the next few weeks, Kailyn Lowry will welcome her third child.

Lowry has been relatively tight-lipped about her due date, but she’s hinted that she’s expecting to deliver sometime in July.

We don’t know who will be by Kailyn’s side in the delivery room, we know who definitively won’t be on hand …

Yes, after initially establishing a surprisingly amicable co-parenting relationship, Kailyn and her ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, are no longer on the greatest of terms.

And they both wasted little time in moving on to new relationships.

Obviously, Kailyn got pregnant by Chris Lopez just a few months after finalizing her divorce from Javi.

And Javi … well, Javi entered full serial monogamist mode.

First, Marroquin entered new relationships with Nancy Gisell and Cassie Bucka, but both ended quickly.

Shortly thereafter, he dated Madison Channing Walls.

From the start, the relationship seemed doomed … and it turned out it was.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Javi is dating Lauren Comeau.

The reality star opened up about his new relationship in an interview with the site.

“She’s my girlfriend,” Javi says.

“We met at one of our best friend’s weddings. She was the maid of honor.”

Javi adds that things are getting serious rather quickly.

He tells Radar that while the relationshiop is “fairly new” it “doesn’t feel that way.”

There’s been no reaction from Kailyn yet, but we’re guessing this isn’t news she relishes hearing as she enters the final stage of a a pregnancy that’s seen more than its share of complications.

Not that Javi is under any obligation to keep such news to himself.

We suppose that’s simply one of the prices of that level of reality fame.

When the public takes such an interest in your personal life that it cares about who your exes date after you break up, you’re bound to get updates, whether you want them or not.

And in this case, the update with Javi is that he appears to be eager to settle down with Lauren.

“This one feels right,” he tells Radar.

“We decided we’d give it a try officially at the wedding this past weekend.”

Marroquin adds:

“I don’t want to make the same mistakes with prior girls I met. But soon.”

If confirming the relationship to media outlets is Javi’s way of taking it slow, we’d hate to see what it looks like when he rushes in.
