Monday, July 24, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Using Rachel Roy in Beyonce Feud?

Kim Kardashian isn’t shy about going for the jugular when she’s feuding. She’s going to need some serious ammo if she really intends to feud with Beyonce, of all people.

But it looks like Kim has found it in the woman believed to be Becky With The Good Hair herself — Rachel Roy.

Kim’s recent Snapchat history makes it look like she’s using Rachel Roy as a weapon against Queen Bey. Oh boy.

It looks like, after orchestrating Taylor Swift’s temporary downfall, Kim Kardashian has developed a taste for conquest.

Now, it looks like she’s seeking to expand her proverbial borders in yet another land war — so soon!

This time, it’s against Beyonce.

Kim was reportedly so upset over Jay-Z coming after her husband in such a public manner as the lyrics of his album that she’s going to “war” with the couple.

Honestly, we think that Kim’s biting off more than she can chew, and that her best hope is that Beyonce will ignore her antics, like a wolf refusing to acknowledge the “challenge” of a puffed up and territorial bird.

But it seems that Kim is determined to stand by Kanye West, and Kim was apparently enraged by Jay-Z’s Kanye diss track from 4:44.

We don’t really know why Kim’s standing by him, given his ridiculous behavior, but we guess that Kim has inherited her family’s sense of misguided loyalty to him just because he’s family.

But Kim’s latest perceived jab at Beyonce took the form of a “quick trip to San Francisco” (rich people, right?) that she shared on Snapchat:

Kim went with Kanye, Khloe, Tristan Thompson, Rachel Roy, and an unnamed man who appears to be with Rachel Roy.

Rachel and Kim have been friends for a while, so maybe this is a coincidence.

But Rachel Roy has long been rumored to be the infamous Becky With The Good Hair from Beyonce’s Lemonade, and therefore to have been one of the women with whom Jay-Z cheated on Beyonce.

(Rachel Roy does have really nice hair)

For Kim to put this out there on Snapchat, showing the world that they’re hanging out … it seems like a move designed to get under Beyonce’s flawless skin.

Kim and Beyonce used to be incredibly friendly, of course.

But, like, Kim and Taylor used to get along, too.

Hell, plenty of members of Taylor’s (in)famous squad have (or, at least, had) close ties to the Kardashian family … if mostly just to Kendall Jenner.

(We can hardly imagine what kind of trying personal choices some of those girls had to make)

The whole Kim-Taylor feud was over Kanye’s weird, impulsive lyrics.

How many people is Kim going to come after every time that her ridiculous clown of a husband makes a fool of himself and quarrels with another celebrity?

Ultimately, we don’t know if Kim Kardashian is using Rachel Roy as a weapon against Beyonce, or if this really was just a day trip that Kim Kardashian shared for more benign, boring Kim Kardashian reasons.

But we do know that Kim’s issues with Beyonce should send a message to everyone who considers Kim to be a “friend.”

Kim is always, it seems, going to choose her husband.

And it looks like she’s willing to go to bat for him against anyone who, in her view, is doing Kanye a disservice.

Thus, the feud with Beyonce, even if it hasn’t been announced.

But Kim isn’t really the sort to rant or do a long-ass Twitter thread complaining about someone — that’s more Kanye’s territory.

Kim’s style of feud is more subtle … right up until it isn’t.

Rachel Roy should watch her back just as much as anybody else.

Remember what happened to Taylor, okay?
