Thursday, July 20, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Did Dominique Find the Snake?

What should have been an easy week to get Jessica out of the game has wound up being one of the craziest. Part of that has to fall on Dominique and the way she went about finding her snake. 

The wheels started turning as soon she realized she was on the block and rightfully so. She thought she was sitting pretty in her alliance, so it came as a huge shock for her. 

She retired to the bathroom and got thinking about what could be going on, and she reached out to God, who gave her the revelation she needed to advance her tirade against Paul. 

“I’m praying, I’m praying, I’m praying. And all of a sudden, I hear Paul’s name.To my surprise, I exit the bathroom and guess who’s waiting? Paul,” Dominique revealed to viewers.

She was right. Paul has been the one to manipulate things inside the house for weeks, and she made it her mission to take him down with her.

Paul had a meeting with her to understand where here head was at because he was getting the impression she was pissed at him for some reason. Yes, she’s on to you, bruh.  

“If I had to strategize, it was, uh, one person that really wanted me out,” Dominique began during the meeting. 

“This is within our group. I am hoping I am not the one you are referring to,” countered to her. 

“I’m hoping that too!” Dom fired back, raising her voice. 

“Would you ever in your life betray me?” she continued.

“No,” said Paul, but the face he was pulling looked as genuine as one Cody would pull if he tried to smile. 

“Have you been dishonest in your life about anything?” Dominque asked, getting a little personal. 

“No. I can only play an honest game. Dishonesty does not work for my personal game,” Paul fired back at her. 

Paul revealed in the DR that he could not lie last season, but he realized he needed to this time around to secure the win. 

Jason, Kevin, Jason, and Christmas were picked to play in the latest veto competition. Yes, Christmas who just had surgery on her foot. Poor girl.

“I am a competitor and this one of my strongest assets in the game, so I’m just feeling frustrated because I love to compete,” she said, crying about not being able to play in the veto.

“I don’t care that I broke my foot. I just care that I can’t give everything to this.”

Elsewhere, Jason turned to Alex to let her know what he planned to do with the veto.

“If I win the veto I’m pulling Jessica off,” he revealed.

“Why would you do that? Why can’t you just keep the noms the same?” Alex replied. But they both agreed to take things as they come and that they would regroup later. 

Dominique then pulled Jason aside to find out what his plans were, but she was not done talking about the snake. She’s obsessed.

“This is the thing. I know who the snake is. I can’t say it.,” she claimed. 

“Is it a man or a woman?” Jason questioned. 

“I can’t tell you,” she replied. Yeah, she’s was as vague as she always is. 

Some time later, she pulled Alex aside to let her know her thoughts on the matter. 

“I want you to consider this. A snake. How does a snake operate?” she asked. 

“It slithers,” Alex confirmed. 

“Yeah, it slithers, right? How does a snake ensure that it doesn’t run into things?” she claimed. 

“Does it do the tongue thing?” Alex hilariously countered. 

“It has to be familiar with the environment. And snakes will do whatever they have to do to bite you,” Dominique chanted one last time. 

Alex returned to the HOH room and revealed all the details to Paul, but he was especially upset when he found out Dom was planning a meeting to call him out. 

“I’m gonna call my own party and invite her,” Paul opined, so he went downstairs to get her. 

“Do you want me to start hissing, or do you want me to talk?” he shouted in the bedroom door. 

“What do you mean?” Dominique replied. 

“What do I mean? You can go upstairs and find out unless you want me to slide over there and start hissing at you, we can have a conversation,” Paul yelled. 

“I’m all ears, but I don’t think snakes have ears,” he said upstairs. 

“That’s cute,” Dominique said before launching another tirade at him. She essentially called him untrustworthy, but it fired back in her face. 

Dominique became the target and Jason decided not to use the veto. 

So, it looks like Dom’s time is up in the Big Brother house. Will anything change?

Find out tonight on the eviction special. 
