Thursday, July 13, 2017

Anna Duggar: Due Date Revealed?

Earlier this year, the world was shocked to learn that Josh Duggar’s wife, Anna Duggar, is pregnant with her fifth child

The Duggars are known for their mania for procreation, pretty much above all else.

But the news of Anna’s pregnancy came as a surprise to fans, as it came just months after Josh was released from rehab followinf his completion of six months of treatment for sex addiction.

The therapy, of course, was a result of Josh’s sexual improprieties, which included molesting five young girls when he was in his teens, and using the affair-facilitating website Ashley Madison to try and cheat on his wife.

(Whether or not Josh succeeded in cheating on Anna is a question that remains unanswered.)

Given the bizarre circumstances surrounding the pregnancy and the fact that Josh tends to avoid social media and the press these days, it’s not surprising that the couple has been tight-lipped about their forthcoming bundle of joy.

As a result, fans have no idea when Anna is due, despite the fact that it seems she’s probably expecting to deliver very soon.

Or maybe we should say most fans have no idea when Anna is due.

One Duggar obsessive took it upon himself to try and puzzle out Anna’s due date based on existing information.

“All we know is she was between 18-20 weeks in March when announced as we knew gender,” Facebook user Melissa Adrian wrote in the comment section of a recent post on the family’s page.

“More likely she is due August some time. Even if only 16 weeks when announced, she would be almost eight months now.”

Yes, we might be less than one month away from yet another Duggar entering the world.

It’s a hectic time for the ever-expanding family, as Jill Duggar just welcomed her second child earlier this month.

The Duggars have gone to bizarre lengths to keep her due date a secret, even going so far as to avoid posting photos that might reveal the size of Anna’s baby bump.

But, of course, they won’t be able to keep the secret much longer.

An announcement is soon to come, and many a think-piece about how appalling it is that Josh is allowed to be around children is sure to follow.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
