Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Pink: Under Fire for Putting Baby in Danger in Shocking New Photo!

Pink is usually one of the most amazing celebrities out of all the celebrities.

You know it, we know it, everybody knows it.

She’s genuinely talented, which gives her a leg up on many famous people these days, but she still seems so down to earth and approachable.

She’s outspoken about the things she believes in, and she’s relatable, despite all the fame and fortune.

She’s a celebrity you can really get behind, you know?

But, as sad as it may be, that all may be changing.

You simply would not believe the amount of hate she got on this seemingly adorable photo she shared of herself cooking with her six-year-old daughter, Willow, and little baby Jameson:

Pink shared that photo earlier this week, along with the caption “Dinner time.”

And it’s cute, right? Jameson looks so excited about the food, Willow is getting so big.

It’s also neat because it looks like a family photo many of us regular people may have, which is nice.

It’s just a sweet family photo, but unfortunately, many of Pink’s followers didn’t see it that way.

“1 kid on the counter 1 kid strapped to her chest the closest to the hot pan i mean it is pretty stupid,” one person wrote.

Another commented with “OMG! This is dangerous for kids! Too close to fire.”

“Isn’t that dangerous for the baby?” yet another person asked. “What if something spits oil out in pan onto the babies head.”

“It’s all good to be real and normal parents,” another admitted. “I get that but at the same time you do have to be safe and that baby facing forward that close to the fire just isn’t being responsible. Come on!”

And that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Pink received many, many comments about how dangerous her actions are in this photo, and how dumb/careless/clueless she is to let this happen.

It’s a little insane.

Because, for one, if you actually look at the photo, you can see that there’s no “fire.” It’s not like she’s cooking over an open flame.

She’s not even cooking anything that would cause oil to pop out and burn someone.

Also, she’s leaning back away from the pan — meaning that since Jameson is strapped to her body, he’s away from it, too. And she’s tilting the pan away from them.

Notice that this isn’t a selfie, either: another adult is taking the photo, which means another set of eyes and hands ready just in case there was some kind of freak accident.

But the real issue with all the criticism, and most of the commenters were willing to point this out, is that this is all totally normal.

Sometimes parents have to cook with babies and children around. It happens, and you have to do what you have to do.

Maybe Jameson was feeling fussy that evening, or maybe he’s just really curious about food.

Either way, it’s silly to think Pink would put her kids in danger, or that we know more about the situation than she does.

But thankfully, she’s aware that all the hate she’s getting is silly.

“I’m relieved that most of you see the ridiculousness of the comment section,” she wrote to her sane followers. “Lord help us all.”

