Monday, July 24, 2017

Ariel Winter Has a Butt Tattoo & She Wants You to See It

If you follow her on Instagram, then you’re probably familiar with the sight of Ariel Winter naked.

Okay, not “naked,” exactly, but in various states of undress. 

It’s like every day, Ariel starts getting dressed, gets distracted by her phone, takes a selfie, then finishes getting dressed.

Everyone’s talking about her nudity, when really, we should be focusing on her lack of an attention span!

Priorities, people.

Anyway, most of the time, Ariel is naked just because, but there are times when she strips down with a purpose.

Sometimes, she’s bringing attention to an important cause, like the fact that her Instagram hasn’t been getting as many likes as it used to.

Other times, she’s displaying some new ink.

Yes, Ariel has several tattoos, and it seems like she’s one of those people who would corner you at a party and tell you what they all mean.

Her latest is at butt-level, which is good, because it’s a bit on the corny side, and Ariel will likely be happy that it’s easy to cover up when she’s no longer 19.

“Love risks everything and asks nothing,” Ms. Winter’s latest tatt reads.

It’s a nice idea, along the lines of “love means never having to say you’re sorry,” but it’s ultimately a bunch of BS.

After all, sometimes love means asking someone to rinse their damn dishes before they put them in the sink, or apologizing because you didn’t rinse your own dish, and now those effing fruit flies are back.

Sorry, we got off topic.

These days, the love in Ariel’s life is her boyfriend, Levi Meaden, whom she appears to have been dating for about nine months.

Though they haven’t been together terribly long, Ariel and Levi live together, and their relationship has already been a source of controversy.

The main issue is that dude turns 30 in six weeks, and Ariel’s still in her teens.

It’s not criminally creepy, but it’s creepy.

Pro tip: If you often find yourself using the “hey, it’s legal!” defense, you’re probably doing something pretty messed up.

Even Tyga and Kylie weren’t this far apart in age.

Fame gap was about the same, though.

Just sayin’.
