Thursday, July 13, 2017

Leah Messer Under Fire for New Teen Mom 2 Footage: What Happened Now?!

Leah Messer has had her fair share of scandals.

Remember when she nodded off on camera? Or when she was texting while driving her daughters around? Or when she went to rehab for a widely rumored but never confirmed addiction problem?

Things were so bad for Leah that, at one point, she lost custody of her twins to their father, Corey Simms.

She"s doing a lot better these days, but judging by this sneak peek from the new season of Teen Mom 2, she"s still not immune from criticism.

Not even a little bit.

In the clip, Leah picks her daughters up from school and asks them how their day went.

They answer her, then she asks if they were going to ask her what she did that day.

Gracie, always with the sass, says "No," but Leah tells them anyway because she"s too excited.

"I went to school!" she exclaims, while Gracie rolls her eyes and says "Oh my god."

Still, Leah tries to tell them about it anyway — she says that she had to do a writing sample about her goals, and that she wrote that her biggest goal was to be the best mommy she could be.

But while she"s talking, Gracie covers her ears and mocks her, saying "Blah blah blah," sticking her tongue out and groaning.

Finally, Leah tells her that she"s being "rude," but Gracie tells her that she"s heard about her school 1,000 times.

"I care about you and what you do, and that"s what you should do for Mommy," Leah says.

"And I want to hear about your day, and if you don"t want to hear about mine, then I"ll talk to Addie and Ali about it. And you just keep your mouth hushed if you"re gonna be rude."

She handles the situation well — she"s not mean, she"s calm and reasonable in trying to express the problem to Gracie.

But the issue, according to many, was that Leah was too lenient here.

"What a little bitch," someone wrote about Gracie. "Sorry but she wouldn"t of been able to sit down for a week if she was mine."

"I would have slapped her in the mouth," another person said.

Many, many more viewers called Gracie out for having a bad attitude, for being a brat and worse, and several suggested that she needed a spanking.

Still others took issue with the fact that the girls were eating little packs of Pringles and cheese crackers.

But the thing is that Leah has come so, so far in the past couple of years.

Giving her kids junk food for the ride home from school and, you know, not hitting them is miles better than the kind of stuff that was happening before.

See Leah in action in the video below:

Leah messer under fire for new teen mom 2 footage what happened