Thursday, July 6, 2017

Ryan Reynolds Dunks on Fan"s Crappy Boyfriend, Internet Applauds

Ryan Reynolds is the kind of guy that probably hung out with every clique in high school.

It’s just hard to imagine anyone actively disliking the guy.

So it’s not surprising that when teenage girls are getting over being dumped by smug-looking dudes with Slytherin hair, they fantasize about rebounding with someone like Ryan.

That’s Gabi Dunn and her ex-boyfriend in happier times.

According to Gabi, the guy called it quits unexpectedly just a few days after the photo above was taken.

So she did what any pop culture-loving Canadian teen would do and turned to one of the Ryans for help.

Reynolds and Gosling are both suitable choices in this type of situation.

We think it depends on what part of Canada you’re from and hiw intensely you love Deadpool.

Gabi went with Reynolds, which is a smart choice, considering his long history of engaging with fans in hilarious fashion.

“My boyfriend and I broke up a few days after prom, so I decided to ‘edit’ the photos a little @VancityReynolds,” Gabi captioned her new and improved prom photos.

Reynolds wasted no time in responding:

“We should photoshop me over his yearbook picture next. #DontMessWithGabi,” he tweeted.

As of this writing, the remark has been retweeted more than 400,000 times, making Gabi a full-blown viral celebrity.

The boyfriend attempted to clap back and … it didn’t quite work out:

“Jokes on you now im not going to see deadpool 2, my 11$ is going to @KevinHart4real,” Boyfriend-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named quipped.

So … you’re gonna deny yourself what’s sure to be an awesome sequel in favor of … a Kevin Hart movie?

Dude, Kevin Hart doesn’t go to Kevin Hart movies.

He’s a funny guy, but his comedy hasn’t really translated to the screen.

We don’t go throwing DJ Khaled quotes around indiscriminately, but you played yourself, Boyfriend.

As for Gabi, she’s enjoying her time as an Internet celeb.

Only time will tell if she’ll reach Ken Bone-levels of social media notoriety, but she’s certainly off to a good start.

Not a bad way to spend the summer before college.

Getting dumped might have been the best thing to ever happen to Gabi.
