Monday, July 24, 2017

Louis Tomlinson Finally Addresses Harry Styles Rumors: Were They Lovers?

Louis Tomlinson is here to set the record straight.

Literally, more or less.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Sun, the singer finally opened up about rumors that he and Harry Styles are no only bisexual…

… but that the artists carried on a romantic relationship with each other while both were members of One Direction.

Chatter over this alleged hook-up grew so strong at one point that fans came up with a couples’ nickname for the handsome superstars: Larry Stylinson.

It all seemed a tad bit ridiculous, yet the rumors have persisted for such a long time that Tomlinson felt a need to address them in his chat with this British newspaper.

“I’m so protective over things like that, about the people I love,” Tomlinson told The Sun, explaining of the chatter:

“It created this atmosphere between the two of us where everyone was looking into everything we did. It took away the vibe you get off anyone. It made everything a little bit more unapproachable.

“I think [what’s happened since] shows that it was never anything ‘real,’ if I can use that word.”

Tomlinson went on to say that the stories “kind of happened naturally for me and Harry because a certain amount of the fans drew up this conspiracy.”

Look… we don’t actually think Tomlinson ever had sex with Styles.

And we don’t think they ever even kissed.

But this was all a very long, introspective, drawn-out and just plan odd way to discuss what were clearly just a bunch of random fan fiction from back in the day.

Why not just laugh hysterically and say no romance ever existed between him and Styles?

Perhaps because Tomlinson says the rumors really did have an effect on his relationship with girlfriend Eleanor Calder. They aren’t a laughing matter to him.

“It’s a funny thing. I mean, look, people can believe what they want to believe,” the singer told The Sun.

“But I just think it comes across sometimes a little bit disrespectful to the ones that I love, you know, Eleanor. Sometimes it comes across a bit disrespectful.

It’s like anything. Genuinely, if you Google ‘Conspiracy on iPhones,’ you’re going to get a conspiracy.

“I think it’s one of these things that people just love to buy into, but in reality – obviously – there’s no truth to it. Obviously.”

Tomlinson recently said his mother’s dying wish was for him to make up with Zayn Malik, and he says the artists are now on solid terms.

What about Styles?

Is he still tight with his former bandmate?

“I have forever had a very, very high level of respect for Harry,” Louis says in conclusion. “He’s great in this situation, he’s great on stage, he’s a great musician and artist.”

But is he great in bed?

We guess we’ll need to ask Taylor Swift.
